Chapter 21. Dream Awakening (21) (Teaser)

In fact, there was a very simple reason for it: Si-Hyeon hadn't been told anything about the incident with Baek Sang-Woon, so there was no way she could ask Woo-Moon about it.

Those pretending to have pledged allegiance to her had thoroughly obscured her eyes and ears ever since her father had fallen into a coma and she was temporarily instated as the Leebi Merchant Guild Master. In spite of her earnest desire to live on her own terms, she was looked down upon as a mere pretty figure, and she was nothing more than a puppet under the control of others.

Moments later, as Si-Hyeon was feeding the baby silver tiger, the carriage stopped. The guild had finally arrived at Go-Ryang Pyeong. Woo-Moon looked around, and the sight instantly made him drop the conversation.

They had been traveling along the plains for a long time now, and they had seen no human settlements in the area. However, the normally barren Go-Ryang Pyeong was bustling right now, in spite of being large enough to hold a city.

"How did it come to this?"

Go-Ryang Pyeong's liveliness surprised Si-Hyeon as well, but she soon regained her composure.

"It's probably because of the Palm Martial Emperor Baek Sang-Woon and the Night Spear Devil Gyeong Hong's fame. Their status is simply that great. Thousands of murim people normally spread around...

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