Chapter 278 (Teaser)

“…You’re saying that I stole your technique?”

Staring at Se-Hoon, who was trying to remain calm, Meirin shook her head. 

“I’m not accusing you or anything. I was just asking. You’re making it sound like I'm trying to pick a fight here.”

“And what if I had thought you sounded like you were picking a fight with me?”

“Well, I just said that I am not. So there’s no problem now, right?”

Hearing Meirin’s sly tone, Se-Hoon narrowed his eyes. 

Her tone is just like I remember it. He couldn’t help but recall the way her words had always irked him. She had a peculiar, annoying way of speaking that managed to get under his skin countless times. 

Feeling nostalgic, Se-Hoon chuckled inwardly at the thought as he replied, “You can speak whatever nonsense you want, but I'd appreciate it if you could at least make some sense.”


Meirin tilted her head slightly with a cigarette between her lips, observing Se-Hoon's calm demeanor.

“Strange… you should've already caught on to what I'm getting at by now.”

Just as she mentioned, Se-Hoon knew what Meirin was hinting at. In fact, he'd been expecting a confrontation ever since the moment they first crossed paths. It was just that he had no intention of bringing it up himself. 

There's no need for me to play the obedient disciple in this situation.

It usually was the one with questions who started the conversation, after all. Thinking such thoughts, Se-Hoon simply stared back in silence, watching Meirin hold her gaze. 

And soon enough, she let out a resigned sigh. “Fine,...

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