Chapter 563: Severing the Phenomena (II) (Teaser)

That Daoist Master… severed the natural phenomenon… Li Qinghong mused quietly to herself, in awe.

The cultivators were visibly shaken, staring dumbly at the turbulent skies above them. Cold raindrops began to fall, and as Li Qinghong bowed her head and closed her eyes, a warm tear traced down her cheek. She heard an elder cultivator beside her murmur, "The eclipse and falling stars… it is the True Monarch of the Yue Cultivating Sect at work!"

The Qi Cultivators could not even make out the True Monarch's form and thus escaped the more intense side effects. But Li Qinghong, at her Foundation Establishment Realm, had caught a fleeting glimpse and suffered a cascade of haunting visions. Taking a deep breath, she steadied herself, feeling the unsettling tremor in her heart.

She drifted away from the crowd, diving deep beneath the water's surface to distance herself....

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