Side Story Chapter 195 (Teaser)

The war torn plains outside Arcadia, the capital of the Avalon Empire, monsters voluntarily bowed and humans stared blankly, their breaths held, as two different battles raged.

“Huff, huff, huff.”


Over fifty death knights had been incapacitated, but over two hundred death knights were still able to fight. Regardless, everyone was in shock because the men responsible for putting down those death knights were the two princes who were just over twenty years old.

“Wow, Prince Selim is exceptional indeed…”

“H-How much stronger did Prince Kireua get? Hasn’t he killed a similar number of death knights?”

“Prince Selim’s number is still higher right now, but Prince Kireua seems to have made more progress lately.”

“I knew he was a late bloomer.”

“You’ve gotta be kidding me. ‘I knew’ my ass. You badmouthed him at every possible opportunity. You were all, ‘How in the world is he the emperor’s...

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