Chapter 4

Avalon, also known at the Empire of Knights, was a powerful empire with military prowess unmatched in the vast Igrant continent.

One of the five great dukes of Avalon was Duke Agnus, and his territories were second only to the throne. 

In the center of an expansive, almost forest-like garden, there was the great mansion of the Agnus family, which did not lose in grandeur to any other palace in the Empire. The owner of this place was one of the nine stars of the continent.

Duke Aden von Agnus.


Duke Agnus's mansion.

Even in the early morning, the whole mansion was rowdy. Bizarre rumors had begun to spread among the Duke’s soldiers.

At the courtyard beside the residence, groups of servants were gathered at the corner of the courtyard entrance and chattered as they worked.

“Did you hear what I said? How that dumb mute in the stable pounded three centurions into rice cakes?” [1]

Brown was taken aback by the words of Paul, his colleague in the kitchen.

"Shh! Watch your mouth!”

“What, why?”

Paul tilted his head at Brown's intense reaction. Brown peered pensively at their surroundings and lowered his voice as much as he could.

“I heard… rumors... that he’s not mute."


This time, Paul was astonished. Although that dumbass was ignored even by mere servants, he was still a son of the Duke. If, one day, the child decided to out them to the Duke...

Paul gulped, but his throat was bone-dry.

“I couldn’t believe it either.”

Paul patted his chest. The atmosphere became tense.

Just then, then tanned-skinned gardener, who had been silent, asked, “By the way, does the Duke know about these rumors?”


Brown and Paul eye each other apprehensively.

“If the rumors are true, then that mute—er, the young master made three of the Duke's centurion bit the dust!" Bob exclaimed with a slight tremble in his voice. The other two stared blankly at him.

“Yes, what of it?”

“Isn’t it strange?”


Looking at the two people who still looked at him like he was speaking gibberish, Bob continued.

“I’m not really sure, but I heard that the young master is only ten years old!”

"What?" The eyes of the two men widened when they understood Bob’s point.

“Really? Then he’s four years younger than Young Master Babel, and he’s not that much older than Lady Arsha,” said Paul, with a bewildered expression.

Arsha von Agnus was the young daughter of the Agnus family. She had just recently turned six and dominated the entire Dukedom with her cuteness. The young lady was just beginning to read textbooks, yet her similarly-aged brother was already beating people up.

The two guys looked at Paul. It was all coming together, but it wasn’t looking good for the people who mistreated Joshua.

“Then… you mean a ten-year-old child beat up the Duke’s centurions, alone?”

“That’s right, if the rumors are indeed true.” Bob nodded softly at Brown's words.

"My God…” 

Seeing Brown's wide-open mouth, Paul burst out laughing.

“Brown, that’s why you can’t get married. Because you’re so naïve.”

“What did you just say?”

Paul waved flippantly at the furious Brown and continued.

“Rumors get exaggerated. Would it make any sense for a dumb fuck to beat down three centurions with his bare hands?”

“That…” It was strange, now that Brown thought about it, and he tilted his head to the side in response.

“Hah, rumors are just rumors. The boy must’ve done something; you know, maybe he’s tired of getting bullied and asked the centurions to spread the rumor around.”

“But why would the centurions agree to such a request?”

“Probably because he offered his mother to them… You know, that Lucia girl has a pretty face and a great body.”

“Probably.” Brown nodded in agreement. It was well known that the maid Lucia was strikingly beautiful, even more so than the Duchess of Agnus.

“I would die with no regrets if I ever had the chance to sleep with that Lucia just once… Such a pity that even men like the centurions can only look at a lowly maid. How am I to compete?”

“You’re a man with children…! Go sleep with your own wife!” Brown spat. The other men were startled but immediately regained their composure.

“What is it, Brown? Did you also have feelings for Lucia?”

“S-shut up!”

“Hahahahahahahah!” Paul couldn't help but burst out laughing.

“You can’t eat the same thing every day. Sometimes, a man needs to try something different to reset his platter. Not to mention, this dish is more appetizing.” Paul stopped laughing and licked his lips lustfully.

Brown couldn’t help but worry.

Then Bob, who had been silent until now, said, "However… What if the rumors are true…?”

“What? Do you think the Duke would even bring that dumbass into the mansion?”

“Do you think he'd stop at that? The Duke embraces and welcomes all who have skills to match. In this case, there might even be a change in the successor…” Bob answered honestly.

“Puhahahaha! Hey, Bob, are you thinking like Brown too? Why are you like this too?”


But Bob looked at Paul with his mouth closed and his gaze solemn. Paul’s laughter tapered off, and he shrugged at his own unanswered question.

“Even if the rumors were true, he could never defeat Young Master Babel. You get that, right?"

“Right, since Young Master Babel is now a mana user who can freely wield mana.”

Brown turned to Paul.

“Young Master Babel is fourteen this year… I heard that the Grand Duke was only conferred the title of “Master” after becoming a mana user at the age of sixteen… In other words, Young Master Babel is a genius surpassing even the Grand Duke. Do you think the other young master could defeat Young Master Babel?”

Paul shook his head.

“That sounds crazy.” And then Paul turned away.

“Let’s stop talking about useless assholes and discuss something useful – like all the ways we could enjoy Lucia’s sweet body一”

Before Paul could boast about his plans to violate Lucia, he froze when he came face to face with someone.

“Y-y-you, dumb….” Paul instantly covered his mouth.

Brown and Bob followed Paul’s gaze and stiffened in shock.

The main topic of the rumors was there. The boy with deep blue hair and eyes like an abyss. Gone was the scruffy, hunched figure he was known for. The dignity he exuded with his upright posture was reminiscent of a proud knight striding into battle.

“Uh, since when一” Paul stuttered.

“I need you to tell the Duke something,” Joshua spoke calmly as he stared straight at Paul.


Their eyes popped wide open at the sound of his voice. It confirmed the rumors and showed them so much more.

Joshua returned their stares with a steely gaze. It was advantageous for him to hide his abilities as much as possible—he had found out the consequences of indiscretion in his previous life. However... he thought that since he was being forced to reveal himself anyway, then he might as well go all out. His power was meaningless if he didn’t use it to protect the person he loved most, the one and only person that he considered family.

And so, his next words were spoken with utmost confidence. 

“Tell the Duke that Joshua von Agnus is here.”

1. The process of making rice cakes has created some interesting (and racy) idioms. A hammer was traditionally used to pound the rice grains until they became a chewy dough-like paste. So if a team gets beaten badly in a sports game or if someone gets very drunk they are said to 'become rice cake'.


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