Chapter 15

True to its reputation, there were quite a number of training facilities in the Agnus estate. Each group of knights had a dedicated training hall and there were even rooms for individual training. 

Past the third-largest of these training halls was a stone building with a red cross flag waving above it: the headquarters of the Red Knights. Cain was waiting in front of the commander's door, wearing light armor. He knocked.

“Captain, this is Cain.”

“Come in.” 

Cain opened the door. He found his direct superior and commander of the Red Knights, Chiffon, sitting in the middle of the room. Cain saluted. 

“I was told you needed to see me.” 

“Well,” Chiffon nodded slightly. “I need you to do something.”

“Please name it.” Cain straightened.

“The Duke will summon you, perhaps today or tomorrow.”

“Why?” Cain’s eyes widened slightly. Certainly, he was a member of one of the most successful orders in the estate, but he was only a low-ranked knight himself. The number of times such a knight would even see the Duke could be counted on one hand, not to mention actually meeting him.

“Don’t be too nervous, ‘cause I’ll be with you… along with the two counts and their daughters…”

“Are you talking about Count Rebrecca and Count Wagen?” Cain’s eyes widened further. He had heard that they were visiting the Duke, but what could bring such a collection of high-ranking nobles together?

“Hmm… It seems that the Duke intends to test Young Master Joshua.”

“They are testing the young master?” Cain stared blankly at Chiffon.

“Young Master Joshua is definitely suffering from congenital mana disorder, but the Duke has doubts. So I’ll nip it in the bud. This time, we can blow away any lingering suspicions.”

“You’re saying…” Cain gulped, but Chiffon was tranquil.

“It is a subordinate’s duty to alleviate their master’s worries. I want to amputate one of his arms myself but...”

‘What did he just say? Has he gone insane!?’ No matter how high-ranked he was, to say such a thing about the son of his own master without a hint of regret...

‘There must be some sort of relationship between Young Master Babel and Sir Chiffon…’ Cain could no longer deny it. ‘It’s no wonder Sir Chiffon is biased.’

Knights of the duchy choose their direct masters, but that only changed the chain of command somewhat. No matter whom they pledged their loyalty to, they ultimately took orders from the Duke. For example, if a knight of a Count who was the Duke’s vassal was dispatched to the Duke’s estate, they had to listen directly to the Duke rather than their own master, the Count.

‘I guessed Sir Chiffon pledged himself to Young Master Babel, but I never knew he’d be so blatant as this.’ This was bad—Cain had already committed himself to Joshua, after all.

“You don’t have to put up that facade.” Chiffon eyed Cain’s troubled expression. “He’s also a child of the master… even if he’s a mistake. Don’t tell anyone, or you’ll be punished.”

“Right.” Cain nodded reflexively.

“So I thought I’d try something different. In order to confirm the truth of the rumors, we decided he should spar with a knight in front of everyone, including the two Counts.” Chiffon locked eyes with Cain. “His opponent is you.”

‘Damn it…’ Cain knew this would happen.

“During the battle… find the right moment to use your mana.”

“You want me to use mana?”

“Obviously, don’t use it openly. The spectators will be masters of war—in short, the very kind of people most sensitive to mana. Even a subtle flow of mana won’t go unnoticed. Instead, you will only infuse the tiniest bit of mana into his body… If Young Master Joshua really has a congenital mana disorder, that alone will be fatal.”

Congenital mana disorders were a terrifying thing. It was more than a lack of mana: the body was actually fatally allergic to it. Any kind of mana—even naturally occurringbeing injected into their body…

‘Even left alone, he wouldn’t live to see 18 years. If it’s really a congenital mana disorder, his life is in jeopardy. But the Young Master Joshua I saw…’

“For now, you just have to wait. Be prepared,” Chiffon continued, unaware of Cain’s thoughts.

“All right.”

“See yourself out.”

Cain saluted and turned away.

‘This could've been a lot worse, though. With such a small amount of mana, the commander won’t notice if I don’t use any at all.’ Cain had decided to support Joshua. There was no way he would harm the boy, even under orders from his direct superior.

‘I’m not suited for these kinds of things.’ Cain left the office with a determined expression.

‘I hope everything goes as planned.’


“Brother Babel!”

“Huh?” Babel turned around, following the call from behind. “Charles?”

“Long time no see!” Charles clung to Babel.

“When did you—” Babel abruptly realized Charles was not alone.

“Long time no see, Young Master.” Iceline lowered her head. Babel stared blankly as she greeted him with an elegance beyond her age.

“Iceline, you’re here too.”

Charles’s eyebrows twitched.

“Oh, right...” Charles quickly interjected herself between them. “I heard you have a younger brother!”

“Brother?” Babel frowned. “Are you referring to… that peasant bastard—”

Babel stopped himself when he saw Iceline’s chilly gaze. “You’re not talking about the maid’s child, are you?”

“Huh? I knew he was a bastard, but a maid’s son?” Charles rolled her eyes.

“Yeah. The dung shoveler has been showing up more recently. I’m not sure what got into him.” Babel nodded stiffly in response.

“Oh.” Charles adopted a pitying expression. “He’s still the Duke’s child after all but horse dung…? How pitiful.”

“Well, he is…” Babel’s smile turned shifty. “He was born from dirty origins and with mana disorder.”

“Ah! I heard that too. He has the Mana Curse, right?” Charles clapped her hands.

“Hah, the heavens must be angered by his mere existence.”

“But they said… it might not be the curse after all.” Charles tilted her head.


“The Duke said he would test him personally.”

“What are you talking about?” Babel frowned. As the atmosphere curdled, Iceline stepped forward.

“They want to confirm if the rumor of Young Joshua beating the three centurions is real. That will also prove if he has a congenital mana disorder or not.”

“Iceline?” Babel flinched at her quiet voice.

“That’s why the Duke is organizing a sparring session with him and my father judging him. That way, even the most subtle flow of mana wouldn’t go undetected.”

“But why is Count Rebrecca…?” Babel trailed off with a confused look.

“This is what Duke Agnus asked for,” Iceline answered.

“Father?” Babel suddenly gritted his teeth sharply. He turned to Charles urgently.



“When and where are they sparring?”

“That is… Maybe today or tomorrow. The Duke said it would be held in the small training hall.”


‘I don’t know what you’re thinking, Father, but that mistake of yours won’t go anywhere.’ 

Babel clenched his fists tightly. He couldn’t forget his strict upbringing—even when he had used mana at only fourteen, his father had showed no special reaction.

‘Are you looking forward to next year? Go right ahead.’ 

A deep chill settled in Babel’s eyes.

If he’s still alive by then.’


When Joshua left the ancient ruins, the sun was past its apex.

“Oh no….” Joshua sighed. It was well past midnight by the time he climbed down from the guardian stone. There was no way of knowing what the atmosphere was in the estate, as it had only been a day since he had settled down at the Duke’s mansion. There was a high possibility that someone would go looking for him by morning, so Joshua headed back quickly.

‘Well… they might not even send anyone to look for an illegitimate child whom they had abandoned in the first place…’

The Duke’s mansion appeared in the distance. As Joshua quickly approached, his eyes widened. Standing in front of the entrance was a familiar figure.

‘Is that Cain?’

Cain seemed to have also noticed him. They slowly closed.

“Where have you been?”

“Some morning exercise.” Joshua came up with an answer hastily.

“What’s that stick?” Cain cast a glance at Lugia that was in Joshua’s hand.

“My training weapon.”

Cain looked like he had more questions, but he didn’t inquire further. “The commander is looking for you.”

“Commander? Are you referring to the leader of the Red Knights?”


Joshua stared at Cain.

Cain took a hesitant breath. “Probably because of the spar.”

“What spar?”

“It looks like your skill will be judged by the Duke.” Cain paused and examined Joshua. “And… your opponent will be me.”

“Well…” Joshua gulped, and fell into his own thoughts.

Duke Agnus had noticed his skills. There was no other possibility. Otherwise, there was no reason to test his so-called “skills”. After all, Duke Agnus’ hunger for talent was legendary; he would even hire a beggar if they possessed great talent.

‘If so…’ Joshua lifted his head to look at Cain ‘I’ll definitely show you.’ 

Joshua harrumphed with a resolved look. Cain, however, had misunderstood his reaction.

“Don’t worry. I have no intention of seriously sparring.”

“You mean you have no intention of winning?” Joshua asked, to which Cain nodded back.

“I’ll just pretend to lose. So don’t worry—”

“How funny.” Cain’s eyes widened at Joshua’s cynical muttering. “My father is one thing, but are you trying to judge me?”

“I—” Cain struggled to answer. ‘Young Master is right. I want to watch over him for a long time, and so I don’t wish to hurt him.’

However, Joshua muttered as his eyes turned cold. “You knights have the right to choose your lord… But I, too, have the right to choose my subordinates.”

Cain was frozen stiff.

“The most important thing in the relationship between master and subordinate is mutual trust. I have no intention of entrusting my back to such a petty, weak-minded person.”

Seeing Cain still standing stiffly, like a statue, Joshua continued in a threatening tone, “If you want to see the real me… Do your best.”

“After all, why else do you wield the sword?”


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