Chapter 10

Cain didn’t spare a second thought—his swing was quick and concise. From only a single swing, Joshua, who had some achievements in swordsmanship himself, could tell that Cain had achieved a great understanding of the sword.

The Red Knight looked to be in his twenties. If he was sent to monitor Joshua, there was a high probability that he was the youngest and lowest-ranking in the troop.

‘But his skills…’

Joshua stared at the Red Knight with an intense gaze. Even though the Red Knights were one of the three strongest units in the Duke’s army, they were the weakest of the three.

‘With that in mind, this young knight is…’


Disregarding the screams, the young knight beheaded two centurions, Roid and Gort. He glared down at the remaining one, Rols. His chilly eyes freezing the tense atmosphere.

Gort’s and Roid’s blood dripped off Cain’s sword. Rols started to retreat with a crawl; his face had turned completely white.

“I—please! Forgive me just—just this once…!”

Cain looked unshaken even after cutting down two centurions. Instead, he approached Rols with a singularly indifferent expression.

“Please! Spare me!”

Cain raised his sword as if he hadn’t heard Rols’ beg for mercy.

Just then, Joshua called out, “Stop.”

Cain halted.

Step. Step. Step.

Joshua approached slowly under the dim moonlight.

“That’s enough.” Joshua was now standing before Cain. Cain met his gaze but had yet to lower his sword.

“...There is only one punishment for the crime of insulting the Duke’s woman: immediate execution,” Cain remarked. As expected, even an untitled knight knew the rules so well. Cain stared at Joshua for a moment before turning back to Rols.

“Young Master! Please save me! I swear— I swear my eternal loyalty if you save me!” Rols begged and scraped at Joshua’s feet.

“Shut up!” Cain clenched his sword tight enough to make his veins pop. He was burning with fury.

“From that insignia, it looks like you’re a member of the Red Knights. What is your name?” 

Cain’s grip loosened when Joshua addressed him.

“My name is Cain.”

“Sir Cain. Before you continue, I have one question.”

Cain blinked at him.

Joshua stared straight into his eyes and said, “Who is your master?”

Cain paused for a second before answering.

“My master is Duke Agnus.” His chest puffed with pride.

“Then, one more question. Who am I?”

A cold gust blew across them, as if even the air could feel the tension. Cain’s eyes widened with understanding. 

Obey me.

“Sheathe your sword.” Joshua’s voice was frigid as he instructed Cain, who was frozen in motion.

“...I obey.” Eventually, Cain slid his sword back into its scabbard with a sigh. Metal hissed against leather, and the blade disappeared from sight.

Rols shouted in jubilation, “Thank you, Young Master Joshua! I will be forever loyal—!”

“I don’t need this loyalty you speak of.” Joshua commented.

Rols’s mouth snapped shut, his eyes widened in astonishment.

“Did you think I saved your life because I wanted your loyalty? Who are you kidding, you bastard?”


“The ones I want to hurt the most are the ones who bared their teeth at my people.”

Rols hiccuped. Joshua’s grim words made his heart tumble and shake.

“You’re a quick-witted guy, so I’m sure you’ll understand what I say next.” Joshua’s low voice dripped with malice.

“Just—Just give me the order, Young Master!” Rols banged his head on the cold, wet ground, cutting his scalp.

“Tell the soldiers everything you saw today. And—” Joshua’s eyes glittered dangerously. “—if anyone else tries something like this again…”


“I’ll take their pathetic lives with my own hands,” Joshua declared.

“Ah! Yes, yes!” Rols kept his answer short; he knew how terrifying Joshua looked even without lifting his head.

“Now get out of my sight.”

“I will!” Rols forced his shaky legs to carry him away. Destination: anywhere but here!

With Rols gone, Joshua’s freezing gaze thawed. He looked beside him: there lay the most beautiful and special woman in his life, the woman he’d yearned for even in his dreams. 

Joshua’s mother, in the flesh.

‘Mother…’ Joshua squeezed his hands together with uncontrollable joy. As his anger subsided, he realized that his childhood was stained with regret and his mother had been his only light. His mother, who had died so early.

He was grateful to the heavens for granting him another chance, and made a silent vow that this time would be different. They would never bend.

Now he was not just Joshua von Agnus, only child of a humble maid, and random spawn of the Duke; he was also Joshua Sanders, the hero, the strongest spear knight in history.

“Are you… really the same person I knew?” Cain, watching the iron-spirited child soften, cautiously spoke up.

“You’re talking nonsense.” Rather than being angry, Joshua burst out laughing.

“But… it’s too different. The young master I remember was—”

“The master’s mistake, the child of a common maid, the dung shoveler… Should I continue?”

Cain suddenly stood straight and locked eyes with Joshua.

“At the age of 23, a knight may choose their master.” 

All knights of the Agnus estate obeyed the Duke. However, their fealty was ultimately their own choice and responsibility. And that choice was for life.

“Next year, I will also face that decision.” Cain stared intently at Joshua, despite the latter’s silence. He took three steps back and gripped the hilt of his sword. “I trust my instincts. In a year’s time, I will be by your side, Young Master.” 

With that, he placed his hand over his heart and bowed.

Then he slowly retreated to where he had been hiding before Joshua had called him out.

Joshua stared blankly at the air. Then, he burst out laughing.

‘You weirdo.’ 

Cain. A budding Red Knight.

This situation was anything but normal. Practically speaking, Cain’s future would be more secure if he gave his loyalty to Babel, the treasure of the Agnus family, rather than Joshua. The man's thoughts were a mystery to Joshua. Or, as he so beautifully put it, Cain was a weirdo.


Joshua was startled by the delicate voice rising from his side.

“Mother?” Joshua knelt down to help his mother sit up.

“You’re okay!” Lucia forgot her aching body when she saw her child’s face. Her gentle caress on Joshua’s face made his heart melt; the sensation of having a mother once again was truly incredible.

A tear trickled down his cheek.

“Now… I will definitely protect you.”

At Joshua’s soft words, a smile appeared on Lucia’s face. It was brighter than the moon in the sky.


Aslan, the ancient empire.

It had been the most powerful country in the world until, long ago, the continent was riven into the East and the West. After thousands of years, it had disappeared even from memory. Perhaps ancient tomes contained records of it, but who could say?

Now, only a few people knew of its existence. Joshua, an Absolute Master, having returned from decades in the future, was one of them. And he also knew that Duke Agnus’s mansion sat directly on Iris, the ancient capital of the Aslan empire.

Who would have known? Who would have expected that such a great secret was hidden beneath the Duke’s magnificent castle?

“This is the place.”

It had taken him a few hours to put his mother at ease, as she'd only gotten more worried because of his frantic gestures. 

Time was running out. The sun would rise soon, and no one could see him here.

When Joshua arrived at his destination, he smiled softly. If his memory did not fail him, it would be here. With it, he could reclaim his lost powers.

“Lugia,” he muttered, and forged onward.

Here, he would become the Unrivaled Spear Knight once more.


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