Chapter 171 (Teaser)

Jin-Seo kept fidgeting with the three tokens she had received from Joseph. It was the first thing she had acquired, but for some reason, it felt like she had received them as a favor. Above all, Joseph's words, “birds of a feather flock together,” kept coming to mind. The vague statement wasn't a compliment, but it made her feel good.

She turned her head toward the girl and asked, "Are you okay?"

"Huh? Um... yeah!" the girl answered, startled.

Although she said she was fine, it seemed like she hadn't fully recovered yet. She wasn’t gasping for breath like before, but her pale lips had yet to regain their color.


Jin-Seo nodded without further questioning. Whether the girl recovered or not didn't matter as long as she wasn’t burdening her. Plus, worrying excessively would only come off as a nuisance to her. The girl followed her silently, occasionally stumbling but never complaining.

It was easy to acquire the token that came afterward. The tasks given by the other clergymen were easy compared to Joseph's assignment. Defeat a few mock demons, break apart a blessing array, analyze it, and answer a question… Such trivial tasks like these were all that were given to her.

The girl felt like she was causing trouble for Jin-Seo, so she volunteered to take care of the tokens. However, once the amount of tokens she was carrying increased to more than ten, it was burdensome for her to carry them, even with the help of both hands and pockets. In the midst of this, Jin-Seo won two more tokens.

The bewildered student showed her hands full of tokens and said, "Um... I-I don't have any more ha...

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