Chapter 857: Consolation Prize
Study room, second floor of Spectres’ Mansion.
The study room, once Wang Zikai's domain when the Nine Scions used the mansion as their base, now stood restored to its original state. They had cleared everything when they moved out, leaving no traces behind.
Gray-blue moonlight poured through the circular skylight, creating a natural spotlight in the quiet room. Books lined the antique shelves in perfect order, a testament to knowledge preserved through time. The room's solemn atmosphere had made it Fat Jun's chosen spot for his confession.
He wore a gray cardigan over a white shirt, comfortably well-dressed but not too formal. His hair, now parted on the side and styled with volume, cleverly masked the flatness at the back of his head. Weight loss had refined his features, making his face leaner and more defined. Most striking were his eyes: bright and sharp where they had once been dull.
Fat Jun was no longer fat now. He was just bulky. While perhaps not conventionally handsome, this was his peak—the best version of himself he could achieve in this life.
He had spent days preparing, running through dozens of drafts before a mirror until he settled on something simple, natural, and earnest under War Tiger’s advice.
In War Tiger’s words, “Don’t go overboard and do anything dramatic. Then you’ll at least die with dignity.”
When they entered the study, White Rabbit closed the door with casual grace. "What is it?" she asked, her voice steady. For the coming fight, she wore the same outfit from their first meeting—baseball cap and shirt, denim shorts, black stockings, and running shoes. The baseball bat in her hand completed her delinquent image. She remained at the edge of the moonlight, yet her vibrant presence filled the room.
"You must know, White Rabbit." Fat Jun met her gaze, fighting back his nerves. "I fell for you the moment we met. Getting to know you only confirmed that this wasn't just about your looks—I have real feelings for you. I've never felt this way about anyone else."
He gathered his courage and said, "So, I'm asking you to be my girlfriend."
White Rabbit lowered her head, hands behind her back, tapping her foot against the floor. "What do you even like about me, Adept Horse?" she asked coolly.
Fat Jun paused, caught off guard by her question.
He considered her question carefully. "Everything," he answered with sincerity. "Your good side and your bad side. Your cleverness and kindness. Your bad temper and directness. The way you're sly and opportunistic, cold to outsiders but caring to your people." He smiled softly. "The novels you read, how you devour spicy rabbit heads, your nail polish, those worn-out sneakers you love. Even your curses... I like everything about you."
White Rabbit looked up at Fat Jun, her eyes glistening. "You've always known that I've been using you, don't you, Adept Horse?"
"Haha, I'm slow, but not stupid," Fat Jun nodded.
"Then you must know that there will never be anything between us, right?"
"I know." Fat Jun's voice was steady. "But you're the first person I've ever had such feelings for. I have to give myself closure."
"Okay." White Rabbit bowed formally. "I'm sorry, Adept Horse. You're a good man. But I already have feelings for someone else. Let us be friends."
"Okay," Fat Jun said easily, releasing a silent sigh of relief.
Strange. He had always dreaded this moment, like being trapped in a sweet dream he knew would end. Lately, though, that dream had brought more worry than joy. I should just wake up now, he thought. Let me lose this false happiness.
And now, awake, Fat Jun felt liberated. He could properly mourn his crush. He could share drinks with friends while reminiscing about youth and pounded his chest as he proudly declared, "I've loved a girl and done my best. I have no regrets."
"Okay, we'll be friends." Fat Jun smiled, extending his hand.
White Rabbit didn't take it.
He awkwardly withdrew after two seconds, wiping his palm on his pants. "As expected of you, Sister Rabbit. You see through me and realize I'm asking for a consolation prize."
White Rabbit slowly shook her head, her expression serious. "Let's hug, Adept Horse."
"Huh?" Fat Jun froze. "What... what did you say?"
She spread her arms wide. "Let's hug, between friends."
Fat Jun stared, hesitating. For a moment, he was again that overweight guy with low self-esteem, smiling awkwardly. "It's fine, Sister Rabbit. You don't have to take pity on me..."
White Rabbit paused before her signature mischievous smile spread across her face, eyes crinkling. "Think carefully, Fat Jun. You only get one chance."
"Let's do it!" Fat Jun surrendered instantly to the temptation. "Here! Let's hug! Between friends!"
White Rabbit stood waiting, arms open, smile unchanged.
"Then... I'm gonna hug you," Fat Jun said weakly. "You aren't going to kick me away, are you?"
White Rabbit rolled her eyes. "Three, two..."
Fat Jun rushed forward, pulling her small frame into his arms. He held her tightly, resting his chin on her shoulder, secretly breathing in the gentle fragrance of her hair.
He would remember this moment, forever.
White Rabbit froze. She had expected a shy, polite embrace—not this bold, heartfelt hug! Since she'd offered it herself, pushing him away now felt wrong. With a complicated mix of feelings, she slowly relaxed, gently patting Fat Jun's back.
While Fat Jun hugged her with feelings, he didn’t cross a line. After a few seconds, he carefully stepped back, his face settling into an honest smile. He scratched his cheek and said, "Thank you, Sister Rabbit. I, Han Yingjun, can now die happy—"
"Don't say that!" White Rabbit cut him off.
Her frown deepened, eyes flashing with disgust. "Fat Jun, what were you thinking?"
"Huh?" Fat Jun blinked, feeling an odd itch in his philtrum. His fingers came away bloody when he touched it.
"No! Wait! Let me explain! I wasn't thinking anything. I—"
His words cut short as his head slumped forward, body crumpling to the floor.
"Adept Horse?" White Rabbit lunged to catch him. "Hey, you alright? Don't scare me!"
"I'm... alright..." Fat Jun's voice was faint as a sacred voice echoed twice in his mind. His face flushed and chest heaving, he grinned through blood-stained teeth. "Sister Rabbit, I heard a voice. 15, Light..."
White Rabbit jolted upright. "Oh my god! You got Light!"
"Yeah... I think..." Fat Jun said, his voice weak but happy.
"That's great!"
White Rabbit's joy burst forth uncontained. She threw her arms around him again—not from pity this time, but genuine happiness for both a friend and the Twelve Zodiac Signs. With the great battle approaching, Fat Jun's high-ranking Talent significantly improved their chances. She needed to tell War Tiger immediately and adjust their strategy.
"Haha..." Fat Jun marveled at his luck—experiencing such once-in-a-lifetime joy twice in one night. If only he could have saved one of these hugs for later.
His vision cleared, eyes sharpening with determination and affection.
Perfect. I can finally fight alongside everyone.
Don't worry, White Rabbit. As your friend, I'll protect you until my last breath.
Thank you, Officer Huang. You understood me best after all.
Houseau3's ThoughtsThat's a surprisingly mature way to handle this relationship.