Chapter 1066: Shine
We must walk the path we must walk, and we must guard the way we must guard. The ugly war is only starting.
Burn the last of our life, and we’ll have our crown.
Shed the last of our blood, and we’ll be crowned.
Born in the dark, the Nine Scions will chase the dawn!
The declaration of war is epic!
Gao Yang’s meant for greatness!
Sister’s got a good eye for people!
So this is what death feels like.
Gao Yang must blame himself, but I don’t know how to comfort him.
Sister said that it was what being a leader entails. Heavy is the crown they must bear.
I can tell Gao Yang’s different now.
I know there’s no turning around, but I still can’t help but miss what we had; I miss when Officer Huang was still with us.
Gao Yang has gotten a New Year’s gift.
Be mature, Little Qing Ling.
Don’t be stubborn.
Don’t be stubborn.
Don’t be stubborn.
A tiny cradle, to and fro.
The night sky is so beautiful.
Mom’s the stars, and Dad’s the moon.
Stay with me until I fall into a dream.
La la la, la la la.
Stay with me until I fall into a dream.
We’re going into another battle. Wonder who we’ll lose this time.
I roasted Gao Yang a chicken leg and had Gao Xinxin give it to him.
Let’s not bother him now. Let his sister cheer him on.
It’s New Year. Although I have Sister, I still miss Gao Yang.
But that’s all I can do, miss him.
I regret it a little. If I had confessed to Gao Yang that night we were holding hands, would he have said yes?
I always thought there would be a better time, a better chance, but that was it. I already missed it.
If I disappear one day, I hope Gao Yang will remember me.
That’s not too much to ask for, is it?
Since Qilin secretly attacked the S Base, Gao Yang’s changed. He’s hiding something from me.
I feel like he’s looking at me with different eyes. Although he’s still gentle, something’s missing.
It’s only a hunch. Perhaps I’m overthinking.
So Gao Yang’s afraid of air fish.
God, would it be too late for me to become your devout now? Please look upon Gao Yang. Please let tonight end not in tears.
If possible, I’d like to read the translated version of the song’s lyrics to him.
Perhaps I will. Perhaps I may.
Look at the stars
Look how they shine for you
Everything you say and do
All shy and bashful
Look how I fall
I wrote a song for you
The wonderful things you do
And it was called "Yellow"
So I give it my all
Everything I did for you
Yet my heart fills with trouble
Your eyes
So bright and soft
They light the world all beautiful
Do you know? Know that I love you so
You know I love you so
I swam across
I jumped across for you.
Yet don’t know what to do.
Because you’re so bashful.
Picked up a pen
I drew a portrait for you
Yet I am all fearful
I dare not to approach
Your eyes
So bright and soft
They light the world all beautiful
Do you know? For you I’ll give my all
I’ll give my all
How true
Look how the stars all shine for you
The stars all shine for you
All shine for you
For you
For all you say and do[1]
Gao Yang finished the diary entries with no sense of the time passing. The last entry was particularly long for the lyrics, and it was the only complete page put in the pencil box.
He read through every word of the lyrics. His chest felt tight, like something was keeping him from breathing right.
Trembling, he put all the slips of paper back into the pencil box and tucked it safely in the coat’s inner pocket, pressed to his chest.
He would remember everything, forever.
Then he took a silver ring out of his other pocket. It was the one he had bought for Qing Ling at his mom’s jewelry shop for the rent-a-girlfriend mission. He placed it on the ground then gingerly gathered soil toward it with both hands, creating a small mound. Inside buried the silver ring.
That seemed to have exhausted all his strength. He slowly lay down. Looking at the night sky through the crisscrossing branches, he felt empty inside.
With his soil-covered hands, he touched his supposedly “auspicious” earlobe.
He stayed unmoving like a corpse.
After a long, long time.
He closed his eyes—a thing he had never done since defeating Qilin. Finally, he fell asleep.
His eyelids twitched, and tears wet his eyelashes before quietly falling.
[Congratulations! Lucky is now level 6!]
1. Little Qing Ling mentioned she liked the translated version of Yellow better when she sang it to Gao Yang. This is the Chinese translation with some changes made to the original, translated back into English. ☜
Houseau3's ThoughtsAnd this is when Lucky decides to level up...