Chapter 219: Introduction to Spirit Studies (1) (Teaser)

[Don’t try to blame me. Even if you endure the pain and combine your mana, it would still be my power.]

Karyl walked out of the lord’s mansion and into the streets of Azor. He sat on the edge of the fountain in the center of the square, absentmindedly watching the people pass by.

I know. If I wanted to stop at the Original Magic, I would have just forced the merging. 

[...It sounds like you’re doing this for something other than my benefit.]

Karyl chuckled at Ramine’s comment.

Of course, it’s for you too. My mana may be Arcane mana, but at its core, it’s Riseria’s dragon power. If I abandon the Powers of Light and Darkness and use pure mana, merging with you wouldn’t be an issue.

[Hmm... But why do you insist on Arcane mana?]

Deicide, Karyl replied coldly. Neither dragon power nor the power of a Spirit King can kill a god. Didn’t you mention that there was a kind of magic that someone with both powers had reached?

[The Great Magic...]

I don’t know exactly what it is, but I intend to add Arcane mana to that power. To achieve a more perfect and ultimate power in an instant.


Although Ramine, who had contracted with Karyl, couldn’t...

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