Chapter 149: Ministry of Food and Drug Safety (4) (Teaser)

Song Jong-Ho’s condition was pretty severe. Shin Jung-Ju didn’t tell Young-Joon, but she sighed as she read his medical history.

[Those voices made them do it and they said they eat red when they stop studying. Monks who hit flames at the temple took out the wire-tapping chip, but the sound leaked out from the chip water drop water drop ugrhtakgyaktakdkadak]

[I wore a hoodie and the car made an uneven beep sound the monks made snot by boom boom boom. They were hard on me. I was bathing but when I was strong, I wore the sunset hat in the evening and scrubbed it hard.]

It was written by Song Jong-Ho.


This was one of the classic symptoms of chronic schizophrenia: disorganized language with no coherent argument, fragmented and meaningless logical progressions that were all over the place, resulting in the sentence making no sense at all. Song Jong-Ho’s condition was pretty advanced. Additionally, he also had circumstantiality and neologism: this was when the patient spoke nonsense without a point and created new words that didn’t exist. They were both typical symptoms of severe schizophrenia.

“I prescribed a combination of clozapine, risperidone, and an SSRI, an antidepressant. I hope it will be okay,” Shin...

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