Chapter 1118: I Do Not I Do Not I Do Not (Teaser)



The second Ye Qing and Yi Pin left the Xumi Celestial Mirror, they saw Jiang Yunlai making a grab for the stone mirror. The Sage froze in his tracks when he saw two figures popping into existence as well.

For a time, three pairs of eyes stared at each other wordlessly.

“Ahem… It’s a mighty coincidence, isn’t it?”

Seriously, if this wasn’t a mighty coincidence, then what was?

“You want the mirror? You can have it! We er, we are kinda busy right now, so ciao!”

Ye Qing tried to run away after coughing out the awkward statement, but an angry roar suddenly boomed from inside the celestial mirror.

“You cannot escape!”

The next moment, a hand reached out from the Xumi Celestial Mirror. It was only as big as an infant’s hand when it initially appeared from the mirror,...

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