Chapter 965: A New Era, A New World (II) (Teaser)

“The advantage of supernatural characters can be found in their tangible aspect,” Li Hao continued. “The aura cannot be seen and neither can supernatural abilities. They’re a subconscious kind of comprehension and utilization. Meanwhile, supernatural characters manifest the abstract!

“There’s an enormous advantage to this in that it’s difficult to bring about anything that exists only as theory. When there is a physical example, however, that makes even the simplest of imitation possible. It means that we’ll be able to directly utilize dao meridians in martial dao!”

Yuan Shuo nodded. Li Hao had grouped auras, supernatural characters, and supernatural abilities as the same kind of existence. Dao meridians encompassed all of them.

Li Hao suddenly laughed; all of the fire energy within his body abruptly disappeared amid the crowd’s disbelieving eyes.

“You can probe me with your aura, everyone. You don’t need to rely on your eyes!”

Auras shimmered over people’s bodies as everyone closed their eyes. A stunning scene developed in front of them. They could see that Li Hao’s heart beat fiercely. Each beat compressed all of the fire energy within his body until finally, a ferocious tiger...

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