Chapter 952: Without Striking a Blow (I) (Teaser)

There weren’t many supernaturals in the Demon Hunter Army; they were almost all martial masters. The few supernaturals were special personnel—they were either Li Hao’s old acquaintances, or junior brothers and sisters that Yuan Shuo had selected for him.

And now, they were all gathered here.

The geniuses present were almost all supernaturals—there were no martial masters in the crowd. The strongest of them, Dao Sword, was already an Arcanus. He hadn’t done so from a martial master background, but from a supernatural one.

Hao Lianchuan knew how busy Li Hao was at present. Did he gather everyone now because they were all supernaturals? The crowd wasn’t familiar with each other as there were plenty of representatives from different factions.

Not much conversation occurred; everyone was uneasy. Some had reported to their ministry before coming. After all, the Skystar Commander Office was a different system from theirs and there was some bad blood between the two sides. However, no ministers were forthcoming from any of the ministries. At most, a vice minister showed themselves with a distracted...

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