Chapter 210: Things Are Different Now (Teaser)

Chapter 210: Things Are Different Now

Liang Yangzu and Yuan Tianya were eliminated. Shi Jingyun, Wu Tuo, and Su Ziying were chained to the spirit pattern pillars. All the leaders of the five factions that entered Armament City had terrible outcomes.

Without the leaders present, Xue Li did not need to act. Just Blood Spear and Lang Xie, as well the blood man formed from Liang Yangzu’s lifeblood essence was enough to dominate them all.

On the spirit pattern pillar plaza at the base of Flame Volcano, threads of fire criss-crossed as wails rose into the sky and living bodies became corpses…

“We need Pang Feng alive!” Ying Xingran shouted.

Lang Xie nodded in affirmation.

Xue Li sat down under a spirit pattern pillar. His original body did not manipulate the chains nor pursue the people from the five forces in the plaza.

He looked at Qin Lie and said, “The last seal!”

Qin Lie thought for a while and then waved his hand at Ling Yushi and Ling Xuanxuan...

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