Chapter 177: I Will Do It Myself! (Teaser)

Chapter 177: I Will Do It Myself!


Yi Yuan’s terrible cries sounded like a slaughtered pig or goat on their final stand. Even Qin Lie was a little scared listening to it.

“Dammit. I don’t know if I’ll be able to leave here alive if I have to soak in this for six more hours.” Yi Yuan bared his teeth with a red face, looking like he was about to suffocate to death.

Qin Lie’s expression was indifferent, but there was a bit of a smile in his eyes. He quietly channeled Records of Geocentric Magnetism and continuously gathered the immense energy of the earth into a membranous wall while absorbing the spirit blood essence inside the pool. He casually asked, “What is so important that you’re willing to soak in this blood pool for six hours to see me?”

“Sigh, for who else but that wife of mine, Lian Rou?” Yi Yuan shuddered from time to time while gritting his teeth as he briefly explained the matter.

“What did you say?!” Qin Lie suddenly interrupted Yi Yuan with amazing light shining out of his eyes as he exclaimed, “Dark Fiend Valley’s Ling Yushi and Ling Xuanxuan are now in Armament City? They have come here to have Armament Sect help them forge two suitable spirit artifacts?”

“What are you so excited about?” Yi Yuan was a little confused.

Qin Lie immediately realized...

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