Chapter 162: I Will Help You Take Back Everything! (Teaser)

Chapter 162: I Will Help You Take Back Everything!

Qin Lie entered Armament Sect.

He walked directly to the foot of the volcano and stood atop the plaza which had the twelve spirit pattern pillars erected on it. Raising his head, he looked towards the mountain.

“Qin Bing, how come you are only returning now?” Yi Yuan, who was in a nearby stone building, upon seeing Qin Lie’s figure, hurriedly and loudly greeted him.

Qin Lie silently nodded in Yi Yuan’s direction and then began to directly walk to the caves on the side of the volcano.

“Qin Bing!” shouted Lian Rou.

Qin Lie turned his head and looked at her for a moment before saying, “I’m looking for Liang Shaoyang so I can resolve some private issues.”

Lian Rou’s expression slightly changed as she quickly mentioned, “Liang Shaoyang went out last night and has yet to return. Even if he returns, it would be best for you to not do anything rash.”

Qin Lie’s eyes were indifferent.

“Come with me,” said Lian Rou as she gestured towards him. “Come, I have something to speak with you about.”

Qin Lie furrowed his brows as he thought for a moment. Afterwards, he entered Lian Rou’s artifact refinement cave and asked, “What does Senior Sister Lian Rou want to talk about?”

“The status of the current Liang Shaoyang is even higher than before. Forget about you, even if Siqi were to clash with him, she would only be seeking her own demise.” Lian Rou sighed and then gave a brief explanation of what had happened recently, “Sect Master had Elder Tan take away all of the scrolls and books...

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