Chapter 166: The Birthday Banquet of the Spirit King Protector of the Kingdom (Teaser)

Chapter 166: The Birthday Banquet of the Spirit King Protector of the Kingdom

The name of Ye Chonglou was like the existence of a totem within the Skylaurel Kingdom. No one, from an eighty year old elderly man down to toddlers and children, would be unfamiliar with this name.

He didn’t have an awe-inspiring official title or a complex network of hanger-ons and power.

To put it even more plainly, he was just an old man who had nothing to do with the world. An idle, unoccupied person who busied himself with watching flowers bloom and fade. A person who concealed himself in the city.

However, when his name was mentioned, everyone from the king down to the commoners would be gravely respectful.

This was because this name was a monument and a totem to the Skylaurel Kingdom.

All the princes of the Skylaurel Kingdom had to respectfully call Ye Chonglou, “Teacher.”

Even the current king, who was a prince from the last generation had to respectfully call Ye Chonglou, “Teacher” as well.

Even the generation before the last, and the one before that…

At least five generations of the Ye family dynasty had to respectfully call Ye Chonglou, “Teacher”.

It could be said that tutor Ye Chonglou had passed his knowledge down to generation after...

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