Chapter 434: Goodbye and Promise - The Story of Three People (3) (Teaser)

Yoon-Chan coming to see me personally indicated that my crying must have really worried him.

"Yeah, come in." 

He opened the door so quietly enough that I hardly heard it and peeked his head through. "Did I interrupt your alone time...?"

"No, not at all." I beckoned him over with my hand. Yoon-Chan looked around awkwardly as if someone was watching and then stepped into the room. I thought he had come to check on me because he was worried about me, but it seemed he had something to say.

"Is there something bothering you?"


Yoon-Chan was startled and looked around nervously again.

What was going on? It seemed like there was more than him having something on his mind. He had something to say. 

"Well, that’s..."


If this were the usual Yoon-Chan, he would have first said something like 'Are you okay?' right after coming in even if there were other reasons for his visit. He...

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