Chapter 426: Kim Dong-Soo's Hidden Camera (1) (Teaser)

After hearing the news about successfully recruiting the ten actresses who were victims of the hidden camera incident, I sped up slightly and drove to Seoul.

By the time I arrived in Seoul, I got caught in the evening rush hour traffic. The car crawled like a turtle from Yangjae onward, repeatedly stopping and starting. Taking advantage of the brief moments when the car came to a halt, I rested my hands on the steering wheel and drifted into thought.

Currently, the original hidden camera photos that Nalsae handed over were in Lee Soo-Chan's possession, while Kim Dong-Soo held copies of them. If left unchecked, Kim Dong-Soo would undoubtedly use those photos to manipulate the actresses.

Once an actress got entangled with Kim Dong-Soo, her life as an entertainer would be over. They would be dragged into endless rounds of socializing and catering to others, just like in my past life. 

Back then, I never bothered to understand their stories and dismissed them as just "those kinds of people." However, in hindsight now, I couldn't help but feel a deep sense of guilt.

Regardless, Kim Dong-Soo's threats were both a crisis and an opportunity because I could implicate him for blackmail and illegal filming.

If it were in my past life, I would have brought the actresses in front of the press and had them publicly accuse Kim Dong-Soo. Though it would have revealed their identities, it would have been an incredibly strong and certain method to bring him down.

Nonetheless, such exposure would leave too severe a scar on the actresses, so I was searching for another way.

At that moment,...

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