Chapter 579: Succumbing to Depravity (Teaser)

A burst of fierce killing intent instantly flooded into Han Li's mind.

His eyes quickly turned bloodshot, while his vision blurred, and he was once again thrust into another illusion.

All around him was a sea of blood with countless demon beast skeletons and carcasses submerged within, and the entire surrounding area was filled with the nauseating stench of blood and gore.

Han Li immediately bit down onto the tip of his own tongue, using the pain to help him recover some of his lucidity. At the same time, he was channeling his Spirit Refinement Technique to protect his own mind as much as possible, but as he swept his gaze over his surroundings, his pupils instantly contracted slightly.

The previous illusions had been able to affect his mind, but they were still tolerable, and he was able to free himself from them by channeling the Spirit Refinement Technique.

However, this illusion was different. He seemed to have fallen completely into it, and it wasn't going to be so easy to break free.

Even though he was doing everything in his power to cling to his sanity, he could feel all...

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