Chapter 89 - Bluffing Magic Treasure (Teaser)

Chapter 89 - Bluffing Magic Treasure

Wang Lin’s eyes flashed cold as he said, “I’m here to cultivate, so unless it’s really needed, I don’t want to act. If you back off and never disturb me again, I will let you go and forget about this matter.”

The strange man let out a puzzled expression and said some strange words. It was clear that he didn’t understand Wang Lin and Wang Lin couldn’t understand him.

Wang Lin slightly narrowed his eyes and slowly moved to a broken wall. The strange man quickly became alert when he saw Wang Lin move.

Wang Lin waved his right hand quickly as he drew on the broken wall. The strange man was dumbfounded. As he stared at Wang Lin’s finger, he revealed a look of understanding.

Wang Lin’s finger quickly drew a picture of the ruin and then, with a slash of his finger, he drew a line that split the ruin in half.

Then, Wang Lin pointed at the strange man and pointed to the right half of the picture, then pointed at himself followed by the left side of the picture. After doing all that, Wang Lin’s finger...

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