Chapter 136 - Middle Aged scholar (Teaser)

Chapter 136 - Middle Aged scholar

The moment Qingxuan finished speaking, the expression of a female cultivator, who was standing on a flying sword, suddenly darkened and became unsettled after hearing the words “Ma Liang”. She clenched her teeth, stopped, and turned around. This woman was very beautiful, but her expression was very ugly as she came over.

This woman was the person who Ma Liang couldn’t get out of his mind even in the foreign battleground, his junior apprentice sister Xu Si.

She greeted Qingxuan, then looked at Wang Lin with an ugly expression and cold eyes as she said, “Where did this evil doer come from? You dare to pretend to be a disciple of the War God Shrine? Brother Qingxuan, please help me kill this person.” With that, she slapped her bag of holding and a two inch black rain needle appeared in her hand. She gently moved her wrist and the rain needle violently attacked Wang Lin.

Strands of grey light spread from the needle, creating a shower of needles. The shower of needles covered the sky, then rained on Wang Lin.

Qingxuan was...

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