Chapter 123 - Devil (Teaser)

Chapter 123 - Devil

The moment Wang Lin’s words came out, Zhou Zihong’s group’s expressions suddenly changed. Especially Lin Tao’s, whose face was pale. He started backing up, but the wandering soul immediately jumped toward him after hearing Wang Lin’s order.

Zhou Zihong bit her lower lip. She wanted to stop Wang Lin, but she couldn’t utter a word. Senior brother Yang let out a sigh and a complex expression crossed his face.

Lin Tao moved as fast as he could, but not to escape. He dodged back and forth in the area, trying to stay away from the wandering soul. He knew that even if he ran away, not to mention whether or not he could get away, with how large the foreign battleground was, he knew he couldn’t get to a transfer array alive.

Thinking about that, he quickly said, “Senior , I don’t have any relationship with Mai Liang at all. We rarely speak to each other. Please, spare me. Senior, I … I’m willing to become senior’s slave.”

Lin Tao anxiously said as the wandering soul closed in on him. Wang Lin faintly smiled. He waved his hand and the wandering soul...

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