Chapter 931. Gen (10) (Teaser)
- Save me, Ji-Hye noona.
- I’m busy right now, too. You might as well enjoy your suffering while you’re out there. The more you suffer, the more heated things are going to become here. Isn’t that what you wanted?
- …
- The public has turned their backs on the Vatican, and the reformation of the Vatican is going smoothly. I’m telling you, things have never been better. They’re on their toes, and the dungeon might soon be discovered.
- Are you sure it’s not because you want to see me suffer?
- No way. Do you really think that I want you to suffer?
You’re the only person I think about all day. I've been wondering if you're eating properly, sleeping in a warm place, and bathing properly.
- But what can you do? This situation needs to last longer so that we'll reap a ton of profit. More importantly, we’re getting so much holy power right now.
The priests are praying a lot more these days, and they're more sincere than usual as well. Benigoa is screaming in joy up above. Moreover, we also have to get ready for our business.
- Hold on.
- We need to get as much holy power as we can right now so we will have no regrets later. If we want to afford the project that our...
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