Chapter 911 – Invisible Person (Teaser)

The truth was that being a qualified shield wasn’t easy.

Seeing Lei Xiaoyu’s eyes widen with excitement, Qin Yu had a flash of regret. Should he reconsider this?

Before he could think of a reason to decline, he was carried off by Lei Xiaoyu. Then, an incomparably tedious and bothersome journey began.

He thought about retreating several times but in the end he was defeated by Lei Xiaoyu’s earnest expression. Finally, he simply closed his eyes and went with the flow.

The clothes were fortunately fine.

An expressionless old woman reached out and felt Qin Yu up several times, measuring him. She spoke with Lei Xiaoyu in hushed whispers. Then she turned back to Qin Yu and nodded, indicating that they were finished.

The boots were also custom made. Qin Yu really couldn’t bear this. He held back a slim man who was trying to grab his feet and told him that he would measure them himself.

Qin Yu originally believed that hairstyling would be the most complicated. It was only later that he discovered he was wrong. The real trouble came when bathing.

Qin Yu promised that he had never taken such a complex bath in his life before. He had actually spent half a day in the process.

If he wasn’t feeling guilty he would have gone crazy. And it was only for Lei Xiaoyu. If it were anyone else, he wouldn’t have accompanied them in this game.

Qin Yu, who had never felt a day pass so slowly...

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