Chapter 833 (Teaser)

Chapter 833 - Strange Existence

That figure approached from the distance, its steps carrying an indescribable type of rhythm, as if a divine drum was sounding, its beat ringing within others’ hearts!

If it was an ordinary individual who had recently become a deity here, when faced with these types of footsteps, they would have coughed out blood and flew outwards a long time ago. This individual seemed to have merged with heaven and earth, a terrifying might exuding from his being. 

Shi Hao’s expression became grave, treating this with incomparable seriousness. He knew that he had encountered a terrifying opponent!

Gray colored mists pervaded the air, as if hell was approaching this world. It was incomparably dark and cold. It was close, a humanoid existence who didn’t walk too quickly, but using the Earth to Inches Technique, now only a hundred zhang away.

This person stopped moving. The gray fog surrounded that place, so his true appearance couldn’t be seen. Only a pair of pupils peered through the gray mists, releasing a chilly radiance. No pupils could be seen, only an expanse of silvery whiteness. 

The gray fog scattered. Shi Hao produced the dual pupil, but even then, he couldn't see through it. 

This creature’s eyes didn’t look like they contained pupils, but instead shot out like blades. There were no human emotions, nor were there any mood fluctuations. Its entire being was ice cold like stone.

If not for him seeing that existence standing there, even if one used their divine senses to perceive it, one would overlook it. It was because it didn’t display the characteristics of life, unable to feel a hint of blood energy from him. 

“Who are you?” Shi Hao asked. He didn’t understand these strange changes....

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