Chapter 1301 (Teaser)

Chapter 1301 - Blood Phoenix Lion

“Even a little bug dares bare its fangs against me? Nothing more than an ant!” The Blood Phoenix Lion spoke with a tone of disdain and ruthlessness. Its claw slapped outwards.

Compared to the Heavenly Horned Ant, it really was too large, its hundred zhang body like a demonic mountain, scarlet red like blood. The hair on its temples were long, falling like a waterfall.

Its head was massive, eyes like blood moons. Its teeth were sharp like snow-white blades, its appearance malevolent and terrifying. When its claws descended, strong winds roared, bitter explosions erupting.

“Vicious mutt, hand over your life! You dare harm my siblings, I’m not finished with you! This won’t end until one of us dies!” The little golden ant screamed, tears of blood about to flow out.

He had never met any of his family members since birth, only hearing from others that he had a few older brothers and sisters. However, they all fell in battle, dying in the battle of the last age.

This blood-colored lion before it might be a main culprit, so how could it not be angry? It was filled with rage, mouth couldn’t help but release a roar, venting out the resentment in his heart.

In reality, in that short instant, they had long traded several dozen strikes with great divine abilities, all of these exchanges like the explosion of fiery light. This place...

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