Chapter 287: Experts Gathering (Teaser)

We found a bush near the lake to rest. The villagers hid not far from us and looked at us with fearful eyes. I guessed they were afraid that we would take revenge. I simply ignored them.

Senior Shu and I were quite bored when an explosion suddenly echoed from the lake, causing the water to slash seven or eight meters into the air. It seemed someone was denoting some dynamite underwater.

The water surged and bubbled. Steam rose.

Senior Shu and I advanced forward.

People from the Zhang family had already arranged into a formation. They scattered and circled around the ancient tomb.

After watching for a moment, the bearded man ordered, “Pour the lime!”

The villagers immediately walked toward the lakeside and threw bags of lime into the lake.

When the lime met the water, it boiled and bubbled. The steam that burst out was as powerful as an atomic bomb. It rose high in the air and produced a pungent...

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