Chapter 4877 Heaven Screen Mountain Opens (Teaser)


Xing Wujiang looked at the vice hall master with disdain. “Your Flame Divine Hall has been secretly supporting the four noble families to target my Xing family. You’ve secretly killed quite a few of my people. If someone deserves an explanation, it’s me.”

Even in front of the Flame Divine Hall, Xing Wujiang didn’t back down at all.

In truth, whether it was the Flame Divine Hall or the Brahma Pill Valley, they had both been secretly supporting the four noble families behind Xing Wujiang’s back, encouraging them to fight the Xing family.

Although Xing Wujiang was well aware of it, due to the Flame Divine Hall’s power, he had had no choice but to accept it.

However, it was different now as Xing Wujiang...

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