Chapter 110 - Spirit Connection Contract (Teaser)

MGA: Chapter 110 - Spirit Connection Contract

After all the contacting over her body, Chu Feng confirmed that the girl did not threaten him in any way.

Rather, it was the girl who was in a dangerous position. After all, she was extremely pretty and she was imprisoned in the Spirit world with no way of escaping. The most important part was, while being in the Spirit world, Chu Feng was able to touch and feel her.

It was simply locking an unrivaled beauty within his body. She was even so light, soft, easy to push down...But luckily, Chu Feng wasn’t that type of person, or else…

“Oi, bastard, what are you thinking about?” Seeing Chu Feng who kept on staring at her with an evil smile on the corner of his mouth, the girl bellowed.

“I say, Eggy. You said that as...

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