Book 5, Chapter 19 - Harry's Death (Teaser)

"He Lei?!" Raffles' surprise voice instantly made my heart hang by a thread. He Lei got hurt?!

I looked over at once but saw that He Lei wasn't injured.

He stood by the door of the spaceship, staring at me with a pained expression. His head was lowered in agony, his hand seemed to be holding onto something.

My heart hung precariously on a thread. His expression made me insecure. I had a bad feeling that was suffocating me.

Slowly he walked over and stood before me. I saw his eyes welled up with sorrowful tears.

"He Lei? What's wrong?"

He slowly extended his tightly clenched fist to me. "I'm sorry, Luo Bing." He took my hand and put something on my palm....

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