Chapter 1684: Begonia Douluo (Teaser)

As such, none of the Battle Gods dared to look down on their opponents any longer.

"Yue Zhengyu of Shrek Academy, please enlighten me!" Yue Zhengyu declared.

"Seventh Battle God of the Battle God Hall, Begonia Douluo Shi Mengshan, please enlighten me!" Shi Mengshan responded in kind.

Tang Wulin's heart stirred slightly upon hearing Shi Mengshan's Douluo Title, and he immediately thought of an extremely rare type of martial soul.

Meanwhile, Yue Zhengyu was appraising his opponent with a solemn expression.

Prior to coming here, they had based their training drills on the information they had about the Battle God Hall. The rankings of the 18 Battle Gods regularly changed, so it would be impossible to choose their opponents based on the numbers alone.


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