Chapter 2179: An Impossible Mission

The departed spirit was horrified and reflexively tried to pull his leg back, but he suddenly froze up and his expression became sluggish too. At almost the same time, countless water ghosts appeared by the shore and strove to be the first to grab his foot and pull him into the water. Then, a group of water ghosts surrounded him and began to tear at his body. In that instant, it was as if every single drop of Naihe Oblivion River water had taken the shape of a water ghost. It really was a terrifying sight.

Even though the departed spirit had already lost his intelligence, he still instinctively sensed pain and frantically struggled. Unfortunately, how could he possibly win against the endless water ghosts? He was dragged into the water, and when the water ghosts finished their meal, a new water ghost appeared. Unlike the other ones, it was full of fresh resentment and hatred. It stared at the souls ashore as if it wanted to drag a few more down to serve as its companions.

When they saw that, the other souls all took a few steps back. They looked at the river before them with extreme fear.

“Enough; come up one at a time. Anyone who causes trouble will be thrown straight into the river,” Zu An said sternly. He could tell that these weren’t benevolent individuals, so he could only try to control them through other ways.

Together with that unfortunate soul’s fate, his words were especially effective. Even though the souls were still shoving each other a bit, they still formed some semblance of a line. They quickly got onto the ship one after another. They all handed over coins with looks of flattery.

Meanwhile, Zu An thought, What would I need this money for? But he could sense that these coins were rather special, so he still took them. They weren’t like the paper money burned at funerals; rather, they were hollow in the center like copper tokens. And yet, the material wasn’t metal; it was some other special material.

“These are… achievements and virtue?” Zu An muttered in surprise.

He had heard the White and Black Guards of Impermanence say that the underworld cared the most about achievements and virtue. If the souls had enough, they wouldn’t need to suffer in Hell and could directly enter the six paths of reincarnation instead. The more they had, the easier it was to gain a good reincarnation.

The worst scoundrels could end up having their wrongs washed away by the torture they suffered in Hell, but because their achievements and virtue were too low, they could often only enter the lower three paths like animals. Forget about those souls, even the ghostly officials like the White and Black Guards of Impermanence seemed to be paid in achievements and virtue as well. All trade was done with this substance, making it the best currency.

No wonder the Guards of Impermanence said that Naihe Oblivion Ferrymen have lucrative jobs! So it’s because the boat fare is achievements and virtue!

He wondered where these souls even got this money. It was probably related to the paper money that their loved ones burned at their funeral, and there was probably a system in the underworld similar to a bank that helped them make the exchange.

Soon after, the boat was filled with passengers. Zu An had collected dozens of virtue coins. Even though he didn’t have much of a use for them now, he still collected them.

Just like that, he rowed the boat toward the other shore. Along the way, the river was especially violent, so the boat also shook quite a bit. The souls on board weren't particularly courageous; they all huddled toward the center and stayed far away from the edge of the boat.

It turned out that the shaking was because the water ghosts followed the boat, and from time to time, they grabbed at the boat with their claws to try and pull souls down from the boat to suffer with them. However, the boat seemed to have a mysterious power that prevented the ghosts from coming too close. Still, their resentful nature drove them to try and pull down more souls into the water, so that was why the ghosts on board were all terrified.

Zu An couldn't help but find the trembling ghosts on board a bit amusing. But he really was curious about the material the boat was made out of. It was actually able to float on the Naihe Oblivion River without sinking. After all, the legendary Naihe Oblivion Water could sink even a feather. Additionally, the oar seemed to be one with the boat. He couldn't figure out what kind of material it was made out of either.

To a certain extent, this boat should also be a divine artifact, right? Is there a way to bring it out with me?

Just like that, Zu An unknowingly brought the boat of souls to the other side. The souls hurriedly jumped off as soon as they reached the other side. They didn’t even want to speak an extra word to him. They just wanted to stay as far away from the terrifying river as possible.

Zu An felt a bit annoyed.

Don’t tell me I have to just stay here and continue to ferry these souls over?

He had an important mission, so there was no way he would just toil away here. He also jumped off the boat and decided to continue moving forward to see if he could obtain any more information.

Just then, a voice suddenly resounded in his head. “If you want the qualification to participate in the trial, you must become the undisputed king in your respective region of Hell.”

Zu An’s expression changed. It was the mysterious giant statue’s voice. He asked, “You came all the way here too? Where are you right now?”

The voice didn’t seem to have heard him, and thus didn’t reply to his question. Instead, it continued, “As a Naihe Oblivion Ferrymen, today is the final day of the competition. It will end at the third of the five night watch periods of the night. By then, the one who has transported the most souls and gained the most virtue will become the king of the Naihe Oblivion Ferrymen and obtain the qualification to participate in the trial.”

Zu An’s eyes narrowed sharply in surprise when he heard that.

Are you kidding me right now? Just how long has it been since I got here? So far, it's just been one boat that hasn’t even reached fifty souls.

The other ferrymen have already been here for who knows how long. They must have already transported almost ten thousand souls each by now!

As if sensing his frustrations, a piece of news suddenly appeared in his head.

The Rank 1 ferryman has carried across 108,800 souls.

The Rank 2 ferryman has carried across 108,600 souls.

The Rank 3 ferryman has carried across 108,500 souls.

Even the tenth rank had carried across tens of thousands. But after that, the difference became a bit greater. It was clear that the final victor would be within the top three rankings.

And Zu An’s name was especially striking in the last place, having only carried across thirty-eight.

Are you screwing with me right now?

Zu An finally knew why the other ferryman hadn’t paid him any attention when he tried to talk to him before. Everyone was busy participating in this competition, so who would waste time talking? He took a deep breath and asked, “What time is it right now?”

He was currently in the underworld and didn’t know the exact time. He hoped that he at least had a day left, as that would give him a bit more leeway in figuring out a solution. Even if he had half a day, he could have a chance. He could get the help of the Black and White Guards of Impermanence, as well as Ox Head and Horse Face, to see if they could turn things around.

The voice spoke. “It is currently the second watch period. There ares roughly two hours left from the time limit.”

Zu An was speechless. He exclaimed, “Aren’t you an old friend of mine? You sent me in to experience this kind of scam?”

“I do not understand what you are saying. This competition entirely complies with the doctrine of fairness and impartiality.”

Flames almost came out of Zu An’s eyes. He was so angry he could kill. He wouldn’t be able to catch up in this amount of time even if he had an aircraft carrier with him!

He looked at the Naihe Oblivion Ferrymen and suddenly thought of something. If he wanted to seize the victory, he didn’t necessarily have to guide the most ghosts.

Won’t I be first place as long as I get rid of all of my competitors?

He was about to act when the giant statue’s voice spoke in his head again. “I advise against that. This competition measures who guides the most souls, not who is the strongest. These ferrymen have all accumulated great virtue. If you kill them, your evil deeds may exceed your good ones, which might place you in the Continuous Hell. Furthermore, every single Naihe Oblivion Ferryman has the Naihe Oblivion Art. You might not be able to win against them while atop this river.”

Zu An clenched his teeth. “But what the hell am I supposed to do with this tiny amount of time?!”

The voice became quiet for a moment, and then it said, “I do not know why you appeared at this time and even carry some of my leftover energy on you, but there must be a reason why you were sent here. I trust that you will be able to do it.”

Zu An asked coldly, “Apart from these words of encouragement, are you not going to offer any more help?”

He suddenly thought of something. Judging from what this guy was saying, he seemed to be isolated from the giant statue outside. Even though they were the same being, their way of thinking and memories seem to be different.

“My reminder to you earlier was already the greatest help I could give. Otherwise, you would already have fallen into the Continuous Hell,” said the voice.


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