Chapter 2419: Undead Spirits! (Teaser)

As the tribulation clouds started to gather, terrifying pressure descended on Huang Xiaolong and the others.

Even the three True Saints managed to feel the horrifying pressure crushing down on Huang Xiaolong, and an expression of fear appeared on their faces.

“The tribulation clouds have only started to gather, but the pressure is astounding!” Yu Ming exclaimed in horror. “If this keeps up, wouldn’t a lightning dragon form?”

Chen Zhi and the Departing Sword Sage chuckled when they heard what he said.

“Lightning dragon? When His Highness crossed the first tribulation he already attracted the lightning dragon!” Chen Zhi laughed. “The lightning dragon already reached four hundred feet in length.”

“What?! A four hundred feet lightning dragon on his first tribulation? Is that even possible?” Yu Ming’s eyes...

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