Chapter 2418: All Extinguishing Holy Ground (Teaser)

“Your Highness!”

Chen Zhi and the others fell to their knees the moment they arrived before Huang Xiaolong. A look of reverence and shock was stuck to their faces.

Previously, they had no idea who Huang Xiaolong was. However, after their trip into the Holy Heavens City, they had finally learned of his true status. Their master was the one and only disciple of all four Primal Ancestors of the Holy Heavens organization, and the future of the Holy World!

It was no wonder he had two saint godheads!

It also explained Huang Xiaolong’s indifference when he had killed Yu Fujiang.

The way they addressed him, had immediately changed after learning of his identity.


Huang Xiaolong explained the reason behind his journey to the Purple Clouds Sea, and he ordered for all of them to get ready.

“Oh right. I have...

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