Chapter 46: Prince of Akko

"Do we really need to go to that Planet Lidu? It isn't in the priority list set by Nommo's prophecy," said Titan.

'Looks like Titan's top priority is still the homeland of the Brightlings,' I thought.

"I think we know too little about the Orion Constellation. The situation and order here are not as relaxed as we had imagined. Heading there hastily will only increase our risks," said Old Du.

I looked at Titan and said, "I suggest we visit Lidu first and obtain more updated information about the Orion Constellation before deciding on our next plan."

"I agree. We need to gather sufficient information before making a move. After all, we are now wanted criminals. Planet Lidu shall be Fearless's first stop," commanded Zhang Xingxing.

The order was carried out. After the trajectory was adjusted, the ship flew toward Lidu. As we approached, the planet's appearance gradually became clearer. The planet had a diameter of about 2,200 kilometers. It was about two-thirds of the moon's size, and it appeared like a pure metallic construct. The moment our ship entered the planet's outer orbit at about 15,000 kilometers from the planet, three layers of defensive systems aimed their weapons at us.

"My god. Why are there so many defenses around this tiny planet? Is this still considered a defensive system, or is it more accurate to call this a monitoring system?" Zhang Bao'er cried out.

"It probably functions as both," Old Du replied.

The three layers each functioned differently. The outer layer seemed to be designed to handle large-scale battleships and smaller fighters. The middle layer was filled with massive forts and laser towers. The inner layer was a circular checkpoint, which was where the Darklings stationed their immigration personnel.

Because the Darklings earlier had reported our arrival, we passed through the outer layer smoothly. After getting through two layers, we reached the inner layer, the immigration checkpoint.

"Please stop and present your pass for inspection," a robotic voice rang out.

Fearless approached the checkpoint platform. There, the door opened, allowing two Darklings to enter. One of them held a weapon while the other carried a suitcase. We handed our pass to the person with the weapon. He then studied the pass in great detail.

"You sure don't look like that group of wanted criminals," said the immigration official.

"I wonder why the empire gathered all these defectors. They're only adding more work to us, making us guard this place every single day," complained the other Darkling.

"With so many thugs together, it's only a matter of time before something bad happens," said the Darkling holding our pass. After checking the pass, he stamped it and returned it to us.

"Dear criminals, welcome to Planet Lidu. Please park your spaceship in the inner dock of the immigration center. You may head to the planet on our shuttle," said the leader.

"We can't land our ship on Lidu?" asked Zhang Bao'er.

The man with the weapon glared at Zhang Bao'er before saying, "The empire does not allow any large-scale weapons to enter Planet Lidu. Also, aren't you afraid that the thugs will steal your spaceship if you land it there?"

"That makes sense," Old Du said.

Upon hearing Old Du's words, the Darkling seemed to remember something. The person with a suitcase took out a small case from the suitcase and handed it to us.

"What is this?" I asked.

"People of numerous races live on Lidu. To prevent conflicts, the empire had the Imperial College create an accurate translation device for the Divine Empire's language. All visitors are required to change their translation equipment and converse through only one language," said the Darkling.

When I accepted the device, the man holding a weapon said, "Follow the guide ship to the docking bay."

Then, the two Darklings left, and a guide ship appeared before us. Dondon and Dodo controlled our ship to follow it into the inner dock. There, countless ships of all sizes and forms were hovering silently. Some ships even had the appearance of a cube, completely defying the rules of aerodynamics. However, that was precisely how mystical the universe was. Shuttles could be seen moving back and forth, and some ships could also be seen leaving the docking bay.

"Looks like the Darklings did not totally restrict the freedom of the people on Lidu, as long as one follows their rules," said Old Du.

"That's great. I was afraid they would put severe restrictions on my freedom," said Zhang Bao'er.

Soon, Fearless finished docking. We then boarded a shuttle before entering the planet. The shuttle was an unmanned vehicle. As it approached the planet, we were able to get an even clearer look at it.

The planet was a perfect sphere, and it had a glossy surface. Some sort of solar energy installation covered the planet's surface facing Betelgeuse, supplying the planet with its required energy. Beside the installations was a massive power plant. There were no other buildings on the side facing the star. The side facing the star was fixed, and the planet constantly orbited Betelgeuse in the supergiant's outer orbit.

The other side of the planet had a much lower temperature, and its terrain was white and frosty. Five deep canyons could be seen on the planet's surface, and there were many blinking lights in the middle of them. All the residents of the planet lived underground. Nobody lived on the surface.

The shuttle brought us straight underground. We could see countless buildings constructed in a disordered fashion at the inner wall. The air was filled with ropeways, and vehicles that looked like cable cars could be seen moving everywhere.

Additionally, many other vehicles of numerous shapes were traveling on the ground and in the air. I could see people from various races on them. Zhang Bao'er's eyes were wide open as he took in the unusual sight. Everyone else was also fully engrossed in observing the planet. This place was basically a melting pot of races. 

After passing through the messy area, the shuttle arrived at its destination.

"Air condition, normal. Regular breathing is possible. Everyone, please carry your translation device with you," said Dodo.

"To save energy, turn off your suits and breathe freely," commanded Zhang Xingxing.

"Breathe freely? Excellent! Haha, this is a nation of freedom, a nation of sin!" said Zhang Bao'er with a laugh.

The shuttle's door opened, and we all walked out. Countless other shuttles were also landing, and countless aliens were lining up to board a shuttle. Armed Darklings were constantly patrolling and maintaining order.

"These aliens sure look weird," muttered Zhang Bao'er.

I could see many different races of different shapes and colors. Some were tall and sturdy, some were small and thin, and there were even some with constantly shifting four-dimensional shapes.

There were also some who looked like humans, some who looked like beastmen, and many whose shapes couldn't even be described in words. Some walked on two legs, some walked on eight, and some on even more. In truth, for these aliens, we most likely also looked like freaks. We eventually walked out of the shuttle station.

"Canyue, I'm getting hungry again," said Dondon.

"You must be a pig. You weren't such a glutton before," said Zhang Bao'er.

"I became hungry faster because I needed to use my brain more," replied Dondon.

"In truth, I'm getting hungry as well. Team Leader Xingxing, should we find a restaurant and grab a meal?" Zhang Bao'er asked.

And thus, the crew arrived at the main avenue. The place could be described as dirty, messy, and poorly maintained: crowded streets, a filthy ground, awful odors in the air.

"Warriors, come check out my energy ores," said a fellow with a slender body and long limbs while showing us a yellow stone.

Zhang Bao'er was about to push the hawker aside, but then Dodo stepped forth and asked, "Excuse me, may I ask if there is a restaurant here?"

The alien pointed at the corner ahead of us. There, I saw a shining signboard. The words on it could be translated as "World In Chaos."

At the discovery of a restaurant, Dondon led the charge. When we arrived, we saw the shabby door of the restaurant and a massive painting of a fish head hanging above the door. Old Du pushed the door open, and a loud clamor assaulted us in the face. The entire restaurant was completely crowded with people.

"My god, how good is their business?" Zhang Bao'er exclaimed.

With their sturdy bodies, Old Du and Titan opened a path for us. We followed the two as we walked into the restaurant. The restaurant was a boiling cauldron of voices. I could see that the left side of the restaurant was filled with shabby dining tables, but nobody there was actually eating. Numerous aliens of all shapes were standing atop the tables.

"Sigh, looks like our food has gained intelligence," remarked Zhang Bao'er when he saw a dancing pig-headed alien on one of the tables.

The right side of the restaurant was filled with some big fellows, with some tiny flying aliens moving back and forth. We had no idea what these aliens were looking at.

At that time, a loud broadcast sounded, "Fellow spectators, the main show of the night is about to start! The eternal wrestling champion, the Pulverizer, Violent Steel of the Wargod race. Tonight, he will be met with an honorable challenger."

The entire restaurant bustled with excitement. It almost felt like the sounds were going to blast through the roof.

The broadcast continued, "The challenger is a fugitive prince from Planet Akko, Prince Toruse."

Another burst of cheers sounded.

"Even a prince has become a fugitive? This is inconceivable," Zhang Xingxing said.

"I suppose it's some throne conflict or dynastic rebellion. Isn't that how it is in the movies?" I replied.

"Old Du, please open a way for us. I want to see the fight between the prince and the war god," said Zhang Bao'er.

"Me too," said Zhang Xingxing.

With the team leader's command, Old Du and Titan used their sturdy bodies to squeeze a path through the crowd. We followed them to the front of the crowd. A rectangular pit appeared before us. A black door could be seen on each side of the pit. All around the pit, the spectators were madly cheering, clamoring for the two combatants.

At this time, I felt someone pull the leg of my pants. When I looked down, I saw Dondon blinking at me. He said, "Canyue, I can't see. Can I borrow your shoulder?"

I burst out in laughter as I thought, 'What a surprise. This little fellow is also quite a curious one.'

I lifted Dondon and placed him atop my shoulder. At that time, a series of intense drumrolls sounded.



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