Chapter 723: Instructor Fang (Teaser)

Senior Brother Li was dumbfounded. "The... the seventh Instructor!? Could it be..." 

He quickly turned his head to Fang Chen, looking at him in disbelief.

Era Immortal King suddenly waved his sleeve, and Senior Brother Li's expression instantly turned blank for a few moments.

Soon, he recovered from his stupor, and a bitter smile rose on his lips. "My memory has been erased?"

"Off you go," Era Immortal King said with a cheerful smile.

Senior Brother Li glanced at Fang Chen, then at Era Immortal King, sighed softly, and turned to leave. As he walked, he pondered deeply, trying to figure out what memory had been erased.

Alas, his cultivation level was far below that of the Era Immortal King. If he wanted to undo the Era Immortal King's technique, he'd have to become an Immortal King himself and even surpass the Era Immortal King in terms of strength.

Fang Chen instinctively took a step back, his...

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