Chapter 851 - Divide and Conquer, Limitless Ambition! (Teaser)

After the birthday banquet, gifted and monstrous immortals from various factions exchanged flying talismans before dispersing one by one.

Left behind in the Sun-Moon Star Tower were almost entirely the elites of the Southern Divine Dragon Realm.

A group of Samsara Galaxy disciples from the Dragon Devil Clan gathered around the Young Dragon Lord. Each stood tall and strong, like dragons and phoenixes among men, their eyes sharp and their presence imposing.

The strength of the Southern Divine Dragon Realm's new generation was plain to see. They were the finest in the Heavenly Deity Stellar River.

Even more intimidating, these individuals weren't the only fighters from the Dragon Devil Clan. Other Dragon Princes, with equally formidable forces, were present, though none as conspicuous as the Young Dragon Lord.

With no outsiders around, these young Immortals of the Dragon Devil Clan no longer hid their fierce beliefs and commanding presence.

They were born for battle, their ancestral...

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