Chapter 7


Eugene raised his hand in the same manner and greeted the mercenary.

“Is the boy with you? May I ask for your destination?”

Although they looked ordinary, the mercenary asked in order to accurately grasp the identity of the other group. Eugene knew from experience that if he lied or answered hesitantly, he could arouse suspicion. He answered with a nod.

“That is correct. We are on our way to Lord Tywin’s castle.”

“Oh, is that so? What a coincidence. We are on our way to Lord Tywin’s castle as well. Do you think we could share the spot with you? We can provide drinks, water, and some lamb as well.”

“Hey captain, why are you being so respectful to a nobody? Oi, we’re going to set up a tent here. Do you have any complaints?”

A younger mercenary stepped out while indicating with his head.

“Shut your mouth and step back.”

The young mercenary became startled when the captain growled with a completely different atmosphere. The mercenary captain immediately looked back towards Eugene with a good-natured smile, as if he had never scolded his subordinate. 

“I’m sorry about this. He’s quite new. My name is Partec. What about you?”

“Eugene. Jan Eugene.”


Partec’s eyes filled with surprise at Eugene’s answer. In addition, the other mercenaries also became wide-eyed and stole glances towards Eugene and Partec. Those who had surnames and dressed in unusual outfits were usually knights. But it wasn’t clear yet whether the man was just an impersonator or not, so they would follow the judgment of Captain Partec.

“So it was Sir Eugene. I apologize once again for my subordinate’s rudeness. Lavan, apologize to Sir Eugene.”

“What? But how is that person a real knight in any way? He doesn’t even have a horse or proper armor.”

“Lavan, you bastard, I will…”

“It’s fine since he just doesn’t know. But you, stop testing my patience. You will die if you doubt me one more time.”

“What? But…. Keugh!”

Lavan did not get a chance to finish his words. Partec had punched his jaw with his fist.


Partec bowed his head after turning his eyes away from Lavan. The young mercenary had fallen like a rotten log after being knocked out by the blow.

“My apologies, Sir Eugene. We recruited him in a hurry because we didn’t have enough people. He really doesn’t know anything.”

“I see. You do not need to apologize anymore. You can take a seat.”

“Thank you. Bilmoa! Please give your greetings to Sir Eugene.”

At Partec’s words, a middle-aged man rushed down from the coachman’s seat. He had been anxious ever since Eugene revealed his name.

“I am Blimoa of the Palin Association, Sir Eugene. I apologize again for the hired mercenary’s mistake.”

“Call me Jan Eugene will do. No more apologies are needed. You can set up your camp.”

“Yes. Then excuse us.”

The mercenaries began to move busily under the instructions of Partec and Bilmoa, with the exception of Lavan, who was still out cold. One was setting up a tent after moving the carriage, another was starting a fire and gathering ingredients and water in a large pot, while yet another was scouting the area near the campsite with a torch and a weapon. Everyone acted with discipline and precision. It was evident that they were accustomed to working with each other.

‘Everyone except the one who got knocked out is a proper mercenary.’

And although he had never heard of the Palin Association, a mercenary group escorting a merchant and a carriage with an association’s flag was surely experienced and capable. 

‘But why did the Tywin family hire such scum instead of mercenaries like these?’

Eugene thought back to the mercenaries he killed near the town of Broadwin. Mercenaries like Partec were much stronger and more reliable than mercenaries like them, so why were they recruited instead?

‘Or they could have sent their men as well. This is a little strange.’

But Eugene did not bother thinking too much about it. His purpose was to safely escort Felid and to have his identity guaranteed by Lord Tywin.

‘If I want to avoid any suspicion, it would be best for me to prioritize becoming a knight. Let’s focus on keeping Felid safe and meeting the lord.’

After their rather awkward first meeting, Partec and the mercenaries purposefully avoided interacting with Eugene. Eugene reviewed what he had learned by going through the chief’s letter, and Felid tended to the fire while stealing glances at the mercenaries and Eugene.

About 10 minutes later, the mercenaries started conversing with each other. With his heightened senses, Eugene was able to eavesdrop.


“What about that fucker Lavan?”

“He’s still out cold. Why didn’t you go easy on him a little bit?”

One of the mercenaries spoke while clicking his tongue, and Partec responded with a frown.

“He shouldn’t have acted like that in the first place. Can’t you do your job properly? What are you teaching the kid? He’s been with us for over a month already. He should know how to take care of his own shit.”

“I’ll make sure he learns, Boss. But Captain, don’t you think that Lavan had a point?”


Partec’s forehead scrunched up in response to the subordinate’s whispers.

“Really though, think about it. That knight, even I think something’s strange about him. The knight is so silent, and the boy doesn’t seem to be his child either. Besides, this is the first time I’ve seen a knight carrying only a single short sword. Have you seen anything like that before?”


“See? I think he’s just an impersonator. He doesn’t even take off his helmet when he’s resting. It’s suspicious.”

“You idiot. Look at the robe he’s wearing. It’s made of lycanthrope leather. What kind of a crazy commoner wears something like that? It must cost at least ten silver coins. And don’t you see him reading the letter? He even knows how to read and write.”

“Uh… Y-you’re right.”

“Moreover, he’s going to Lord Tywin’s castle. I heard they might be sending a group to a newly discovered dungeon soon. He’s probably aiming to join them.”

“Wow, I hear even knights have to risk their lives when exploring a newly discovered dungeon. I guess he must be quite skilled.”

“By the way, Captain. How is Lord Tywin’s condition really? I heard he’s barely holding on.”

“Well. They’re literally dumping mana stones on him, but his situation doesn’t seem to be changing much. But since the Tywin family doesn’t have that much money, they can’t continue spending so much on buying mana stones.”

“I guess. If they discovered the dungeon just one year earlier, perhaps he could have lived a few more years. Don’t you think so?”

“Tsk! Do you think it’s that easy? Even if you discover a dungeon, you need troops to explore it, and you need money to maintain the soldiers.”

“I-is that so?”

“That’s right. And what if you send in some soldiers and they never return? The estate could collapse in an instant. They know that, which is why they’re being so careful in opening it. And after Lord Tywin collapsed, the second son is the only knight left.”

“Welp, no matter how good of a knight he was when he was younger, I guess it doesn’t matter now that he’s old and sick.  That family’s complicated too, huh. Hmm? The knight is standing up.”

The subordinate gestured with his gaze while clicking his tongue, and Partec slightly turned his head. The ‘self-proclaimed’ Sir Eugene stood up from his seat, then slowly took off his helmet.


Everyone became astonished at the sight. Although they had wandered around quite a bit and seen a lot of people, they could not help but be shocked by the handsome face that was revealed under the helmet.


‘They should believe me now, right?’

Eugene became completely relieved after seeing the mercenaries’ reaction when he took off his helmet. Originally, he planned to take off his helmet as soon as he heard them mention it. He had to show them that he wasn’t suspicious at the least.

But as he continued listening to their conversation, while other mercenaries seemed to doubt him, Partec seemed certain of his identity. It certainly had been worthwhile buying and adorning an expensive robe, as well as learning how to read and write. He had taken off his helmet to cast away any remaining doubts they might have had.

Their conversation regarding the Tywin family piqued his curiosity.

‘The lord is on his deathbed?’

Of course, the talk regarding the dungeon was interesting as well, and the mercenaries seemed to show more enthusiasm for it as well. But for Eugene, it was more important that Lord Tywin, who was believed to be simply sick, was actually in a much worse condition than he previously thought.

‘Will he still be alive when we arrive? He can’t already be dead, right?’

Eugene sank into thought. Then, he noticed that Felid was staring up towards him with his mouth agape.

“What’s wrong?”

“What? Oh, i-it’s nothing.”

Felid’s cheeks seemed to reflect the redness of the fire as he lowered his head.

‘Is he actually a weirdo, like Mirian said?’

Satisfied that he had proven his identity by showing his face, Eugene returned to his seat.


The fainted mercenary jumped up with a loud gasp.

“You’re finally awake. Drink some water and sit down. We finished setting up camp.”

“Did that bastard get knocked out on purpose because he didn’t want to work?”

“It’s much better to take the night shift for three days in a row rather than getting your jaw knocked in by Captain Partec.”

“You should know. As I would expect of someone who’s been beaten up by the captain before.”

Lavan’s face turned bright red as his colleagues giggled over the matter. Then, his gaze met with Partec’s.

“What? Is there a problem?”

“N-no, not at all.”

“If there isn’t, then eat. I restrained myself, so your face should be fine after a couple of days.”


Lavan was about to sit down with a sullen expression, then suddenly turned his head towards Eugene as if remembering something. 

‘We’ll see what I do with that fucking… Huh!?’

Lavan’s jaw dropped to the ground with shock when he saw Eugene’s face, which was faintly lit by the dying fire.

“H, he’s fucking handsome…”

“Right? That’s the guy that a young, hot-headed mercenary tried to pick a fight with not too long ago. In case you didn’t catch on, I’m talking about you. You.”


Partec poked at Lavan’s temple while speaking, but the latter could not find a response.

“Lavan, you bastard, consider yourself lucky. If you had spoken one more word then, you could have lost your head.”

“Huh? What kind of a joke…”

“You bastard. Do you even know the stance that the knight had been taking when you were speaking? His right hand was inside the robe, and his left foot was pulled back slightly.”

“I-is that so?”

“That’s right, you punk. And knights can narrow a distance like that in the blink of an eye. And then, slice. Your head would have dropped on the spot.”

“…Does that mean he’s stronger than you, Captain?”

“Probably so.”

Lavan inhaled sharply when the captain answered without hesitation. He asked away, stealing a glance at Eugene’s face.

“What if we all came at him together?”

“Either we all die, or if we’re lucky, I’ll survive along with maybe one more.”


Lavan’s eyes became colored with bewilderment. He was well aware of the skills of his seniors and Partec.

Partec spoke in a cold voice.

“Listen carefully. In our line of work, if you run amok, you could easily end up dead. Of course, we will kill anyone who attacks first, but we want to avoid unnecessary clashes as much as possible.”


“Do you want to pick a fight with anyone you see? Then feel free to join a bigger mercenary group. You can participate in real battles and wars. Fight with your life on the line and loot as much as you want. If you’re lucky enough to last five years, then who knows? Maybe you can climb your way up to become a mercenary captain and serve some noble.”

“Keke! Only if it was that easy. Why do you think all of us are here?”

“Lavan, you really should count yourself lucky. I haven’t heard of most of those who started working at the same time as us. We’re the only group without a single death in three years.”

“All right, I get it. That’s enough. I’m going to eat.”

The mercenaries’ conversation ended in laughter.

Eugene felt a sensation coming from his waist.

Tap Tap! Tap Tap Tap Tap!

Mirian was asking him to open the pouch. Thinking that she had been locked up in the pouch for long enough, Eugene removed the cap.

Mirian flew into the air with a sullen expression.

“How ignorant! It was for me to talk so much without knowing my place, sir. I’m so ignorant! I’m so ignorant that I can’t tell when to hold my tongue and when to talk. I will try my best to not be so ignorant in the future and become intelligent! I will be an intelligent spirit who can be of help to Sir Eugene.”


“Yes, yes. I will be reborn as a spirit to be of great help to you and no longer be so ignorant…! Huh? Hey! Where are you going?”

Eugene suddenly stood up and started walking. Mirian flopped down onto his shoulder.

“Excuse me for a second.”

The mercenaries took on anxious expressions as Eugene approached them. Partec also became nervous, but he took on a keen expression and responded.

“Do you need anything from us, Sir Eugene?”

“Didn’t you say your destination was Lord Tywin’s castle? I was thinking if we could travel there together.”


They were now convinced that he was a knight. Perhaps he could join them.

‘They have access to quite a bit of information. I’m sure it will be of great help.’


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