Chapter 10

“A-are you being serious?”

“I am.”

Partec spoke with disbelief and Eugene nodded in response.

“Excuse me for being insolent, but are you referring to the dungeon that was recently discovered in the Tywin territory?”

“That’s right.”

“There is no way that you do not know what it means to explore a new dungeon. Are you… confident?”

He knew how rude it was of him to ask such a question, but Partec had no choice but to ask. Moreover, Partec was convinced after being acquainted with him for the past few days that the knight would not become angry at such a question.

“I will be just fine, but the problem will be with your men. I am the one who suggested it after all.”

“Yes. But…”

Partec continued after taking a short breath to organize his thoughts.

“It is questionable whether the Tywin family is prepared for the endeavor. They do not have enough soldiers. Even if Sir Eugene decides to participate…”

“Then why do you think Sir Galfredik decided to come?”


“Didn’t you say yourself that he was quite famous in this area? Ambitious too. I do not believe he came all this way without thinking about it beforehand.”

Partec almost slapped himself on the forehead. As Eugene said, Galfredik would have come to the castle after receiving a price worthy of his reputation. And if Galfredik was going to act as an anchor for the exploration, they could easily gather 20 or even 30 mercenaries. Rather, it was highly likely that a sufficient number of mercenaries had already gathered.

“Anyways, are you going to accompany me or not?”

“…..Please give me some time to think about it.”

“Okay, but I need to know sooner than later. I would like an answer by tomorrow morning.”

“All right.”

Eugene stood up after hearing Partec’s answer.

The mercenaries stood up along with Eugene, then flocked to Partec as soon as the knight left the door.

“A-are we really going to do it?”

“Captain! This is not a good idea. No matter how good the pay is, being the first to explore the dungeon is a no go.”

“No one knows the way, and no one knows what’s going to pop out. Even if we succeeded in exploring the dungeon, half of us won’t come back alive.”


The mercenaries raised their voices. But Partec remained silent without answering his colleagues and subordinates. After a moment, he raised his head.

“I know you guys may have different thoughts regarding the issue, but I think of this as my last chance.”


Partec continued while looking around at the shocked faces of the mercenaries.

“I will be turning 34 next year. Although I never suffered any major injuries and lived quite a long life for a mercenary, all of you should know that this is nothing to brag about. If I were in a larger mercenary group, I would have become a vice-captain by now. Of course, I could have died early on as well.”

The mercenaries were well aware of Partec’s skills and his keen judgement. They thought the former possibility would have been more likely but remained silent while nodding their heads.

“We, no, rather, I’ve been stuck here too long. But that doesn’t mean I can quit everything and join a big mercenary group as a new recruit at this age. If I retire after working as a mercenary for three or four more years, I could open a small pub in Maren. But I don’t want to live like that.”


“So far, I always chose the path that guaranteed our safety, but this time, I want to walk my own path. So I will not force any of you. Make your own choice. You can either bet your lives on Sir Eugene and me, or you can go back to Maren.”


The mercenaries remained silent while sharing glances. They were faced with perhaps the most important decision of their lives. The first to break the long silence was Glade, who had been with Partec the longest.

“I will stick with Captain, no, with our brother. Let’s give it a try.”

“Okay. What about the rest of you?”

“I-I can’t do it. I’m sorry, Captain.”

“Me too…”

“Brothers, I’m sorry.”

Three mercenaries lowered their heads.

“You brats, what are you sorry about? It’s only natural to be cautious since it’s a matter of life and death. I’m sorry that I could not be with you until the end. You guys can take Bilmoa back to Maren. Share the balance of this request amongst yourselves. Think of it as your severance pay.”


Tears started to appear in the eyes of the three mercenaries. Partec reassured them with his gaze, then turned his eyes towards the last remaining person.

“Lavan, you should follow these brats for a while as well. Even if you don’t make a lot of money, you should not have to worry about starving. Work hard for a year or two, then you can find a bigger group to…”

“I will be staying behind as well!”


Partec was surprised at Lavan’s words. Although he had allowed the young man to join their group because he was quick and had a good hand, Lavan was still quite inexperienced.

“It’s only been a month, but I believe in Captain’s guts. You are following your gut feeling this time as well, right?”

“That’s right, but you could really die if you’re unlucky.”

“Ah, I don’t know anymore. I want to be successful too. I joined the group because of you in the first place, Captain Partec, so I’ll stay with you until the end. What more is there to life?”

“No, well…”

Partec attempted to respond, then laughed instead.

Who would he listen to at that age? When Partec was about Lavan’s age, he also stole his family’s money and ran away from home.

“Do as you like. A kid like you will live longer if you stay by my side.”

“Why do you have to put it like that…?”

Lavan attempted to retaliate, but the mercenaries who would head to Maren ruffled his hair.

“That’s true, kid. We don’t want to deal with a little brat like you anyways. Who knows what you’re going to do?”

“I would rather tame a goblin than try to make him listen.”


The dark atmosphere soon subsided and the mercenaries were chuckling once again.


“Sir Camara Tywin is looking for me?”

Eugene answered in a puzzled voice when a servant came to visit him.

“Yes, sir. He wanted to discuss something with you, so he wants to see you.”

“Right now?”


Eugene nodded after a moment.

“All right.”

“Then please allow me to guide you there.”

Eugene followed behind the servant, who was holding an oil lamp.

“Camara? That’s the older brother from before, right? Why is he looking for our sir?”

Mirian whispered into Eugene’s ear from his shoulder, but he was ignorant of the reason as well. After a while, Eugene arrived at a room located on the second floor of the main building. He opened the door.

“Ah, sir. Please, come in.”

Camara approached Eugene with delight. He had been sitting beside a wide-open window with a glass of alcohol in his hand.

“I heard you were looking for me.”

“Haha! I wanted to apologize for not recognizing your identity earlier in the day. Also, I had a few things I wanted to discuss with you.”

Camara clapped his hands after speaking. The two maids in the room quickly left.

“Let’s have a drink.”

“Thank you.”

After pouring blood-red wine into a gray metal cup for Eugene, Camara grinned.

“I am sorry about earlier. I did not know you were a knight since you were not wearing a surcoat nor riding on a horse.”

“I understand.”

Eugene once again convinced himself that he should prioritize purchasing a horse as soon as he had the money while he nodded.

“By the way, you appear to be in quite a complicated situation from what I heard from Felid…”

It seemed Camara had already spoken with Felid. It made sense once Eugene thought about it. Since they were meeting each other for the first time, it would be natural for brothers to at least have dinner together.

“It is just as Felid told you. My family collapsed when I was a child. In addition, I was ridden with a horrible disease after being poisoned, though I am completely cured now. That was why I somehow ended up all the way in Broadwin. I apologize for not mentioning it to you earlier, Sir Tywin.”

“Haha! It is only natural. I understand that you may have been surrounded by enemies ever since you were young. And my father is not one to punish someone for something so trifle. Rather, he would surely reward you handsomely for safely bringing back Felid.”

“Are you saying I will get a chance to meet with Lord Tywin?”

“I would want nothing else, but Bertel insists on being stubborn. Even I am no match for his bullheadedness sometimes. By the way, are you going to keep that helmet on? Are you not going to drink the wine?”

Eugene took off his helmet.

Camara’s eyes widened.

Hooh! So this! Is why you were wearing your helmet until now. I can’t even think to be jealous. Haha! Come, let’s have a drink.”

Camara raised his glass before taking a large swig of the wine. He promptly got straight to the point.

“By the way, sir. Do you want to have your identity verified by meeting our father?”

Eugene nodded. Camara was more tactful and quick-witted than he expected, perhaps because he was the successor of the territory. 

“That is correct.”

“I knew it. I am sure that you must have forgotten those who destroyed your family by now, and of course, you won’t have any property or fortune. Ah, are you perhaps thinking of going on a full-fledged journey as a knight after having your identity verified?”

“I do need to make a living.”

“Hmm! Amazing, just as I expected!”


Eugene scrunched his forehead. He did not understand why Camara seemed to be in awe.

“Wouldn’t you say so as well? Felid told me that you killed five robbers near Brahms, right? With a single short sword.”

“That’s correct.”

“That means your skills are considerable. It’s not easy for someone like that to decide to prove their worth by having their identity verified then faithfully going on a knight’s journey.”

“I am only trying to do what I learned when I was young.”

“That is why I am amazed. Anyways, that’s why I want to talk to you about something, sir.”

Camara’s voice reduced to a whisper. Eugene realized that Camara was about to bring up the real reason for their meeting.

“You probably already know that a dungeon was found in our territory. Do you perhaps know about the state of our family?”

“I do not know the details, but I heard some rumors.”

“Then that will make this easier. Sir, why don’t you join the expedition?”


This was exactly what Eugene had hoped for, but he pretended to be surprised. Camara continued excitedly.

“We do not have any money right now, but as you know, money will no longer be an issue if we successfully explore the dungeon. We will be procuring literally hundreds of mana stones every month. Once we successfully open the dungeon and explore it, the rest will be no work at all. So sir, will you not participate in it and lead the troops?”


“Oh, of course, I am not asking you to do it without compensation. It won’t be much, but I will be giving you down payment as well. In addition, if you kill 50 lower-ranking monsters and two or three intermediate-ranking monsters, we will give you twenty percent of the mana stones and any goods obtained in the dungeon as a reward.”

It was fine that he would let Eugene enter the dungeon. However, Eugene did not know whether Camara’s offer was lucrative or not, and he was also curious as to why Camara was suggesting such a thing. However, Camara quickly realized why Eugene remained silent. He continued.

“All you have to do is say yes and we will verify your identity as well. With the seal of our family, you will have nothing to worry about. At least, not in any of the nearby territories. This is a chance for you to gain wealth, fame, and even status. What do you say?”

He was still slightly unsure, but it did seem to be rather generous conditions. However, Eugene was not a fool. He would not accept the kindness of an unknown noble. They had only met a few hours ago.

“These are quite generous conditions, but first, let me ask you a question. Why me? There is no need for you to trust me, is there?”


Camara’s expression stiffened. 

‘Dammit. I knew it wouldn’t be easy from how he looked.’

It seemed the new knight could think for himself, unlike Galfredik, who probably had muscles for brains. Camara had suggested conditions that any free knight, especially a free knight without proper identity, would have jumped at. Very few would have hesitated in agreeing to his conditions. Moreover, he had even buttered up the knight beforehand.

Camara was forced to speak a bit of the truth.

“Sir, do you happen to know Sir Galfredik?”

“I saw him in the castle earlier. He appeared to be quite close to your brother, sir.”

“Hmph! I am sure they are. Bertel was the one who brought Sir Galfredik here in the first place. Apparently, they became close during the tournament hosted by Lord Evergrove last year. Anyways, that is beside the point. At this rate, Sir Galfredik will be leading the clearing party.”

“What does that matter? Isn’t it all the same if we succeed in clearing the dungeon?”

“I’m telling you this because it does matter! Why would I be doing this if Sir Galfredik is going to swear allegiance to me and remain in our estate after the dungeon? From the way I see it, as soon as he is finished…..”

Camara continued talking with agitation.

Although the story lasted for quite a while, the main point was rather simple.

He did not want to see his younger brother Bertel acting all high and mighty after Galfredik successfully broke through the dungeon. But he could not postpone the opening of the dungeon any longer, nor could he kick Bertel out of the territory. Bertel was his brother, as well as the only knight of the territory. 

Camara was asking for help so he could take the initiative in opening and clearing the dungeon. He needed to save face as the next lord. He was not very intimate with other nobles in the vicinity, since they were always thinking of ways to devour the territory. It made it difficult for Camara to seek assistance.

It went something along those lines.

In the end, Eugene was an unexpected lifeline for Camara. It was the only hand available to Camara right now.

“I understand. Can I give you an answer by tomorrow?”

“Of course. Then I look forward to hearing good news.”

Camara proposed a toast with a grin. Eugene laughed inwardly as the two glasses clinked together. He already achieved the goal of entering the dungeon, and if he was lucky, he could achieve small revenge on Bertel, who had been largely responsible for his death before he returned.

“Ah, our Sir Eugene! As the days go by, you are starting to regain the cunningness befitting your status. How cool! You’ll get ahead soon, right? Kekekekeke!”

Even Mirian’s excited, silly comments did not bother him today either.


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