Chapter 73 An unexpectedly powerful opponent (3) (Teaser)

Chapter 73 An unexpectedly powerful opponent (3)

By now, Zhou Weiqing was quite sure that this was a powerful Sealing Technique. From its slow movement speed, its power was likely extremely terrifying. If he were sealed by it, not even mentioning the rest of this fight, he could probably forget about fighting for the rest of the fights as well.

Still in mid air, Zhou Weiqing forcibly turned his body, the Overlord Bow in his right hand, while his left hand slid forth and waved at the incoming shadow. In a flash of silver light, a large, three yard wide tear in the air appeared below his feet.

As the black shadow clashed with the rift, an earsplitting sound rang out in the plaza. At that point, Jiang Fei’s Darkness Skill, and its terrifying offense, was displayed in its full glory. Even facing Zhou Weiqing’s Spatial Rend, her Sealing Technique was still not disrupted. Although a portion of it vanished into a puff of black smoke, some of it managed to get around the Spatial Rift, continuing to chase Zhou Weiqing. The strangest thing was that, as they passed each other, it seemed to leave a black stain in the air, as if even though weakened by the Spatial Rend, it had left its mark in...

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