Chapter 66 Fat Cat Leveling up! (3) (Teaser)

Chapter 66 Fat Cat Leveling up! (3)

Zhou Weiqing could only feel a great sense of relief that it had not been Crow who had placed the bet with him the other day. He knew that besides his Demonic Right Leg, his strength was not able to match hers.

Fat Cat’s trembling was getting worse, and just as Zhou Weiqing sat down, it suddenly raised its head, and a white mist emitted from its mouth.

A sweet scent, ten times thicker than before, seemed to envelop the area, and Zhou Weiqing felt as if the scent was invading his very pores, causing his body to heat up.

In a whooshing sound, Fat Cat jumped up from Zhou Weiqing’s body, its fur lit up with a thick bright white light, almost forming a shield of light around it. With a low howl, the light flew off its body, reaching the entrance of the cave, forming an opaque barrier around the entrance and blocking it off totally.

“Roaaarr” Another low roar ensued as Fat Cat turned around to look at Zhou Weiqing, its eyes a deep purple. In the next...

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