Chapter 48 I beg you, please let go of me (1) (Teaser)

Chapter 48 I beg you, please let go of me (1)

All Jewel Masters knew the importance of Consolidating Equipment Masters. In addition to that, Zhou Weiqing had taken out 450,000 gold coins for his classmates to Store Skills, which further ‘bought’ more popularity. Including his inspiring speech about being human and having backbones, he had in that instant gotten the acceptance of all his classmates. The next step of his plan would be to continually influence them throughout the next few years, causing them to feel a sense of reliance on him. Four years was a long time, and he was confident of letting these classmates around him to see him as a leader.

The Heavenly Bow Empire was just too weak now. After witnessing the true power of the Fei Li Empire, only then did Zhou Weiqing see the huge difference, to see how weak his own country really was. In order to strengthen it slowly, the first thing was to recruit more talents. How many Jewel Masters were there in the entire Heavenly Bow Empire? Furthermore, those commoners who could enter the Fei Li Imperial Family Military Academy were all extremely great talents with various individual skills… not just in terms of individual power as Jewel Masters, but also military capabilities! If he could...

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