Chapter 45 Gaining Status in the Academy (2) (Teaser)

Chapter 45 Gaining Status in the Academy (2)

In that instant, many gazes focused on them, many of them being lustful or lascivious gazes focused on Shangguan Bing’er. The majority of the academy was after all attended by noble students, of whom some were of large powerful families. Looking at Shangguan Bing’er, of such beauty and poise, who was a commoner student to boot, how could they not be attracted and be interested. After all, to them, they had nothing to worry about commoners. Even if they forcefully snatched her away, she would not have any background nor would anyone dare to defend her. Of course, all of them totally ignored Zhou Weiqing who was beside her.

Zhou Weiqing could naturally feel the gazes on Shangguan Bing’er, and couldn’t help feel a sense of pride rise in his heart, as he thought scornfully to himself. Hmph, you all can look, but not touch!

Zhou Weiqing was very clear that since the moment he and Shangguan Bing’er stepped into the academy, it was destined that he wouldn’t to keep himself away from trouble. With Shangguan Bing’er around, even if he didn’t go around looking for trouble, trouble would definitely look for him. He had never mentioned this to Shangguan Bing'er, instead just preparing...

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