Chapter 795: Suspect Surrenders (Teaser)

After their meal, Lin Qiupu and Chen Shi went back to the bureau together. Unexpectedly, there was a breakthrough in the case. The fingerprints left on the ashtray were recorded in the fingerprint database. It was Liu Feng, Lie Guoxiao’s subordinate, and his fingerprints had been recorded when he was arrested for assaulting the police.

It went so well that it was unbelievable. Before they went to arrest him, they discussed it for a while. Chen Shi said, “I heard all of you describe this case. It was this man named Lie Guoxiao who came to pawn a painting, and then his subordinate Liu Feng intruded late at night, killed the pawn shop owner, and took the painting away? What for? Just for the money they had pawned the painting for?"

Lin Dongxue said,...

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