Chapter 8 Trash

“Hey, aren’t you Fatty Wang? It’s been a while, which class are you in?” the leader of the group dramatically asked with a laugh. 

Fatty Wang’s brows knitted. This person was a classmate from his lower secondary days whose family background was as influential as his, but he was better at cultivation than him. He should be at least in stage eight by now. 

Fatty Wang stood up. “Li Minghao, what do you want?” 

“Hey, you should calm down! Is this your friend? Tsk, why’re you eating pig feed here? Fatty, think of the family you’re from, I can’t believe you’re mingling with people like… that. Aren’t you afraid of losing your rep?” Li Minghao used to love Fatty Wang’s twin elder sisters, but held a grudge against Fatty Wang after being brutally humiliated at a ball. 

“What did you say?!” Fatty Wang shot up, his face flushed. He was furious! 

Li Minghao snickered while the two people behind him stepped forward. “Fatty, you’ve changed since you’ve entered upper secondary, you’re so stubborn now! Who taught you that? Do you think being friends with a part-timer with no future will work out for you?” His eyes darted toward Xiang Ning, but when he saw Xiaoyu’s delicate face, his lips curled into a vile sneer. “Of course, this little girl doesn’t count.” 

Xiang Ning frowned, protective of Xiaoyu. Looking at Li Minghao’s perverted sneer, he stood up. Unfortunately, due to inadequate nutrition in his childhood, he was half a foot shorter than the people in front, triggering them into fits of laughter. 

Xiang Ning realized the three of them had targeted him and Fatty Wang because they knew their identities despite not being classmates. How else would they have known he was a part-timer? They were all wearing the same uniform now. Someone had obviously sent these guys to cause drama, and there was no question who. 

“What? Too scared to hit me?” Li Minghao jutted his chin, looking down at Xiang Ning in disgust. Then he shoved Xiang Ning. 

Xiang Ning smirked. Since they touched him first, he now had a justification to fight. 

A fist filled with the full strength of a stage eight practitioner collided with Li Minghao’s face at lightning speed. His eyes widened and a tooth flew out of his mouth before he collapsed. Xiang Ning then pinned him down and rained down more punches. 

The other two finally came to their senses, screamed, and tried kicking Xiang Ning off. Xiang Xiaoyu also rushed forward to protect her brother but Xiang Ning quickly stopped her. “Stay away.” 

But Xiang Xiaoyu wouldn’t listen. She saw one of them lift a stool and slam it down toward her! If she was hit, she would definitely sustain severe injury! 

At the last second, Xiang Ning grabbed Xiaoyu in his arms and turned. 

There was a loud thud and Xiang Ning gave out a dull grunt. Fatty Wang cursed and rushed forward, entangling himself with them. It didn’t matter if he was strong enough to fight them now. 

Experience +200

Physical Tempering Stage 8 (298/1000)

Li Minghao was helped to his feet, looking somewhat pathetic with half of his face swollen. He shrieked in fury, a vein popping out of his neck as he stomped toward Xiang Ning. At this point, Xiang Ning was at his boiling point too. Wasn’t that attempted murder?!

If Xiang Xiaoyu had been struck, the consequences would have been severe. Xiang Xiaoyu was his world! He stood up and coldly glared at Li Minghao. 

Li Minghao paused, secretly panicking, but ultimately cursed and raised a fist.

Experience +60 

Xiang Ning’s face was hit, but it didn’t affect him at all. His fist landed right on the bridge of Li Minghao’s nose, and with a crack and a pig-like squeal, the crowd cringed and instinctively clutched their noses. That looked painful! 

At that point, Fatty had already been knocked down by someone else, so Li Minghao’s lackeys now focused their efforts on Xiang Ning. 

Experience +80

Experience +60

Although Xiang Ning could inflict more damage, he was still being overwhelmed and forced back by two opponents. He couldn’t dodge them, either; dodging one meant he would still get hit by the other anyway, plus, Xiang Xiaoyu was behind him so he couldn’t hide! That was why Xiang Ning’s strategy was to return injury with more injury, raining punches on them. 

Suddenly, a stern voice boomed, “Stop it this instant!” A teacher with an air of stern nobility entered. “The five of you. Office! Now!” 

Physical Tempering stage eight (848/1000) 

When Xiang Ning saw the string of text in his mind, he felt that it was all worth it. If he fought them again, would he be able to achieve stage nine? If the rest could read his mind, they would be exasperated. 

Xiang Ning helped up Fatty Wang with Xiang Xiaoyu trailing behind them, tears circling in her eyes. When they arrived at the discipline section of the office, all of them stood in a row facing the frowning discipline teacher. 

“What year are you all in?” 

Xiang Ning calmly looked at the teacher’s badge, saw that he was named Cao Yuan, and politely replied, “Good afternoon Mr. Cao, I’m Xiang Ning, first-year of upper secondary...” he started explaining what had happened. 

Cao Yuan listened, then turned his piercing eyes toward Li Minghao and his lackeys. “Is what he said true?” 

Li Minghao and his gang didn’t speak, and Cao Yuan started clapping. “I cannot believe it! The three of you couldn’t even beat one person, you’re out here embarrassing your parents’ names! And you call yourselves students of Qiling High School?” 

The teacher’s mocking tone left not just Li Minghao stunned—even Xiang Ning and Fatty Wang were puzzled. What was going on?

“Fine, I’ll take it as the temper of youth and let you off easy. Since it’s only your first time, I’ll let you go with a warning without any punishments. If I see you again, you’ll be punished!” Cao Yuan coldly scoffed. 

When Xiang Ning heard that, he quickly thanked Cao Yuan. Li Minghao wasn’t stupid, either, and took the teacher for his word. 

Just as Cao Yuan shooed them out, a voice that sounded like the quacking of a duck boomed. “Wait!” 

Cao Yuan looked up and straightened his posture away from the desk. He emotionlessly replied, “Mr Liu.” 

“Mm. What’s the matter here?” 

Cao Yuan’s brows slightly furrowed, but after a thought, he still explained what had happened. Mr Liu’s expression turned into a dramatic frown, his piercing eyes surveying the students, though mostly Xiang Ning. Xiang Ning’s heart sank; he felt like this would be bad news.... 

“Not bad, one against three and it looks like it was a rough scuffle. Our school has always emphasized kindness, is that how you should treat fellow students?” he sternly asked. 

Xiang Ning was disappointed that his hunch had been right. Before he spoke, the disgruntled Fatty Wang interjected, “They were the ones who hit first, why’re you reprimanding us?” 

This was a huge school with many discipline teachers; students sent here were mostly there to be punished so the teachers were used to it. However, Chicken-Killer Liu was there, so it attracted much attention. 

Chicken-Killer Liu was Mr Liu’s nickname; his full name was Liu Ouhai. With a cultivation in the late Foundation Phase, he was considered experienced in his field. 

“Why? Look, this boy only has a few bruises. Look at the rest, they’re as swollen as pigs’ heads! They had the sense to pull their punches, but how could you hit with your full strength?” accused Chicken-Killer Liu. 

Even Fatty Wang was speechless in the face of such ridiculous reasoning. It was shamelessness taken to a whole new level. 

Then Xiang Ning’s class teacher, Su Muhan, and Li Minghao’s class teacher, Zhang Lian, arrived together. Su Muhan naturally stood on Xiang Ning’s side. After understanding the situation, she turned to Chicken-Killer Liu and said, “Mr Liu, I think my student did nothing wrong.” 

Zhang Lian coldly snickered. “Nothing wrong? Look at what he did to my student! One tooth is missing and he’s got a broken nose!” 

Xiang Ning looked at her. This teacher was good-looking, too, with long hair flowing down her back. She had a nice figure, though not as good as Su Muhan’s… at least in Xiang Ning’s opinion, anyway. 

Doge & Chacha's Thoughts

xiang ning tryna get people to hit him for points:


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