Chapter 30 Do You Know Who I Am?

When Xiang Ning felt the rise in Fury Points, he scratched his nose awkwardly. He had ruined someone else’s plan. 

Zhang Hongyu stood up and squinted. “Were you the one who spoke?” 

The crowd turned to look at Xiang Ning, who replied two seconds later, “No.” 

Fury Points +6

Zhang Hongyu was so mad that he started laughing. Being a tier one, six-star martial artist, he should have been able to beat Fang Rou, but this random bastard pointed out his weakness, causing him to fumble and lose. To be honest, he was furious. 

It didn’t matter if Xiang Ning admitted it or not. “Do you know who I am? Do you know you’ve just offended a person you can’t afford to offend?” Zhang Hongyu glared at him. Raised as the eldest son in a rich family, he had been trained from a young age and was very perceptive. A quick glance was enough for him to tell if a person was rich or poor, weak or influential. And Xiang Ning was wearing cheap clothing; he was obviously not qualified to be considered rich. 

Fang Rou’s brows knitted the moment she heard him. “What’d you mean by that, Zhang Hongyu?” 

Ignoring Fang Rou, his eyes were fixed on Xiang Ning, wanting to see fear in him. But he found no fear. 

“I don’t know who you are, but do you know who I am?” The crowd fell silent the moment Xiang Ning spoke, fervently speculating. Was he some rich man’s son? He didn’t look like one. 

Fang Rou trembled, a sudden thought surfacing. Was Xiang Ning really a rich man’s son sent out just to gain some life experience, like what they said? 

Zhang Hongyu froze, frowning. Had he made a mistake? 

“Which family are you from, may I ask?” To be safe, it was better to ask. He didn’t want to offend another powerhouse, just in case they were more influential than his family. 

The corner of Xiang Ning’s lips curved up. “You don’t even know who I am, so why should I be afraid of you?” 

The crowd fell silent. Fang Rou clutched her head, suppressing her imaginative speculations. It was terrifying that this thought had appeared three times already! 

Fury Points +133 

Zhang Hongyu was truly furious now—his feelings had just been toyed with. He wanted to teach Xiang Ning a lesson for sticking his nose where it shouldn’t be! 

A powerful voice boomed, “What’s the matter here?” 

Fang Rou’s eyes brightened. 

Fang Hao walked through the crowd, squinting at Zhang Hongyu. “What’s the matter, Hong? Are you feeling unwell? Do you need me to take you to the hospital?” 

When Zhang Hongyu saw Fang Hao, he forced a smile. “Ah, no, no, you’re too kind. I have some business to attend to, so I’ll visit another day.” 

In a flash, Zhang Hongyu slipped away. This person could not be offended. He was Fang Rou’s elder brother—his future brother-in-law. Plus, Fang Hao was a tier three martial artist. He could never defeat Fang Hao in a fight. 

But this was a grudge he could hold against Xiang Ning. 

Fury Points +55

Fang Hao exhaled hard through his nostrils. What a weakling! And he’s still trying to get my little sister?

Xiang Ning watched Zhang Hongyu slip away, privately thanking him for the generous gift of three hundred Fury Points. He wanted to go warm up, but was stopped by Fang Rou. 

“Thanks for today. We’re even for what happened the other day, and you’re never allowed to speak of it,” Fang Rou said, blushing. 

Xiang Ning waved it off as Fang Hao walked over, sternly asking her, “Why’d you agree to fight him?” 

His tone was stern, causing Fang Rou to tremble. Usually, no matter how mischievous she was, he never got mad. But this time, he was truly angry—what if Fang Rou had been injured in the fight? 

Fang Rou honestly explained the situation, then added, “I hate him so much! Big brother, could you please help me beat him up?” She knew her brother had wanted to talk to Xiang Ning and had no intentions to listen. She wanted to warm up on the second floor, then head to the third floor to get online. 

Unfortunately, Zhang Hongyu had been camping here for her arrival, his actions so shameless they irritated her. Somehow—she didn’t know why—she had given him the ultimatum that, if he won, she would give him a chance. 

“Sigh… I can help you now, but not forever.” Fang Hao was exasperated, too. His father was a strange man; other than the usual matters, he let the two siblings solve their own problems. As a tier three martial artist, wouldn’t he be insulted for bullying a tier one kid? Wouldn’t it tarnish the Thunder Dojo’s name?

However, a thank you was still in order. He turned to Xiang Ning. “Thank you for your help this time, or Fang Rou would’ve been groped at this point.” 

Fang Rou glared at Fang Hao. 

“His name is Zhang Hongyu, the young master of the Sky Conglomerate. He’s no weak fighter, already a tier one, six-star martial artist as well as a tier one, one-star spiritual cultivator at your age. I apologize for troubling you in place of my sister,” Fang Hao apologized with a slight bow. 

Xiang Ning waved. “It’s nothing, I feel your pain.” 

Fang Rou cocked an eyebrow. That sounded… odd?

“Hahaha, that’s good. Take this card as our token of gratitude. It’s a one-year membership to the Thunder Dojo. All the facilities on the second and third floor are yours to use.” Fang Hao gave him a blue card made of an unknown material. 

Xiang Ning took a look at it, then chuckled, “I want to—” 

Before he finished, Fang Hao stuffed the card in Xiang Ning’s hand. “No, you don’t want anything,” he said, then turned and left. 

Xiang Ning was at a loss for words. At that point, the crowd had dispersed as well, leaving only Fang Rou and Xiang Ning. 

“Let’s go to the third floor together?” asked Xiang Ning. Now that he could use the virtual capsules, he would explore the second floor next time. 

“Alright.” Fang Rou’s initial plan was to get on the Battle Network anyway. Along the way, she wanted to say something but held herself back several times. Xiang Ning’s gaze darted at her out of the corner of his eyes. To be honest, she was cute. 

When they arrived on the third floor, Xiang Ning could barely hold himself together when he saw the market’s latest virtual capsules, excitedly lying in one when a staff member helped him set it up. Very soon, the Battle Network was activated. The familiar interface gave him a familiar feeling. 

Ding! Friend Request. 

Xiang Ning paused, then tapped on it. It was Fang Rou. He accepted it, then received a voice call request. 

He accepted the call. 

“Can you hear me?” Fang Rou tested. 


Fury Points +1 

Fang Rou sometimes laughed when she got mad at Xiang Ning. She shook her head, pretending not to hear him. 

“Let’s team up.” 

“Hmm… I’d like to get myself familiar with the system. Let’s spar,” he seriously suggested. 

After some thought, Fang Rou nodded. 

Five minutes later. 

“I swear I’ll never fight you one on one again!” swore Fang Rou. What was he talking about, ‘getting familiar with the system’? She had died ten times in five minutes! 

Fury Points +233 


Doge & Chacha's Thoughts


Xiang Ning: No, I do not.


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