Chapter 14 Arrogance

When his Mountain-Splitting Slash was upgraded, even the way Xiang Ning held his sword changed; it looked a little unsophisticated, to say the least. When the Boulder Boar charged at him, he slashed at the hardest part of its back, power exploding through his muscles. 

He felt his blade cut through flesh, and while this was still virtual reality, it was enough to excite him. Though the Boulder Boar might be the lowest-level Beast Soldier, killing it without a drawn-out fight took the skill of at least a tier one, six-star martial artist!

He watched as the Boulder Boar slowly faded into a transparent figure, wanting to continue with his training but he was surprised to see the time. “Time sure flies,” he muttered to himself. It was already four-thirty, leaving only half an hour left before the class ended. He didn’t forget Mu Xiao’s instructions to the students. 

Quickly exiting hunting mode, he returned to the library. The first person who met his eyes was Li Minghao, but Xiang Ning ignored him, squinted, then turned to Mu Xiao, who was now standing before the crowd of students. 

“From now on, you may challenge a fellow student or get assigned a random opponent. Don’t worry about holding back your strength, you can’t hurt another person here. I’ll be assessing everyone based on your performance today, though, so if you want to leave an impression on me, you’d better work hard!” Mu Xiao calmly said. 

He might have been calm, but his words cut the students deep. At this impressionable age, the students desired his recognition and attention, which would raise their invisible status in class. They stood straighter and puffed out their chests. 

Xiang Ning saw Wang Zhe walking over to him, though a figure suddenly appeared in his way, smirking. “Sir, my name is Li Minghao from Class 2. I love making friends through training with them, may I challenge sir?” 

Although Mu Xiao mainly spent his time on combat research, he had an idea of what had happened yesterday. 

He was about to speak when another person in the same combat outfit walked out, saying in a mocking tone, “The Withered Wolf! It’s a rare opportunity for students from different classes to train together. Why don’t we let them duel? Look at how my student is taking the initiative, you aren’t going to say no, are you? Or are you afraid your student will lose?” 

Mu Xiao squinted at the newcomer. “Zhang Jiasheng, is this what your student wants, or what you want?” 

“My student wants it, and naturally I agreed. Youths should make more friends and gain some experience, don’t you agree?” Zhang Jiasheng grinned. He was implying that Xiang Ning—or the entire Class 8—didn’t have any experience. 

Some students watched on, amused, while others, like Liu Ruoxue and Li Zimo, frowned, understanding the hidden implication. 

Li Zimo stepped next to Xiang Ning and said, “Let me spar with Li Minghao then.” It wasn’t because he hadn’t heard Li Minghao choosing Xiang Ning by name, he just felt that Xiang Ning would definitely lose. That would mean humiliating the entire Class 8, so he had no choice but to step forward. 

Li Minghao paused. He and Li Zimo used to be schoolmates. At the time, Li Zimo was a celebrity at school, achieving Physical Tempering stage nine at such a young age and apparently having three martial skills under his belt. 

Li Minghao continued observing him in Qiling High School, only to realize that Li Zimo hadn’t entered the ‘prodigy’ classes, but had instead ended up in the insignificant Class 8. That greatly puzzled him. He absolutely didn’t think he could beat Li Zimo just because he was in Class 2. 

“I accept your challenge!” Just as Li Minghao was looking for a way to back out, Xiang Ning accepted it. He didn’t want to owe Li Zimo any favors, nor did he want to be looked down upon. They were all youths between fifteen and sixteen years old, who would want to be humiliated like this in front of a crowd at that age? Furthermore, he had the confidence to beat Li Minghao. 

“What?! Is he mad? How could he accept?” 

“Class 2 students are not to be underestimated, every single one of them has at least two skills under their belt! That part-timer must be itching for a beating!” 

“It might be virtual reality but users can still adjust the pain level!” 

“How dare he disregard Li Zimo’s kindness like that! Zimo already volunteered himself, what’s the use of him embarrassing us like that?” 

The Class 8 students exploded in discussion and Li Zimo’s expression darkened. He looked at Xiang Ning, not knowing what to say, though what Xiang Ning said next changed his impression of him. 

“Li Zimo, I’m grateful for your kind intentions but this is between me and Minghao. I’m sure about this!” Xiang Ning’s tone sounded determined, causing many students to change their minds, though some still thought he was being arrogant. 

“Stop embarrassing us, do you really think you can beat Li Minghao? He won’t be pulling his punches in virtual reality! You’ll lose badly!” 

Some students thought he could, some called him brainless. The general consensus, though, was against Xiang Ning. 

Li Minghao was irritated by the gossip. However, his bottleneck had loosened since the beating that day, and he’d suddenly broken through to stage nine. Combined with his three martial skills, defeating this part-timer should be nothing! Without giving Xiang Ning any time to regret, he immediately replied, “Alright! Let us begin then!” 

Mu Xiao remained silent. He could already predict the outcome of this duel, but he didn’t care—it would give him a reason to lecture them on humility. As for his reputation? After having experienced so much bloodshed in battle, would he still care for such trivialities? 

After a quick arrangement of settings, Xiang Ning and Li Minghao disappeared from the library and reappeared in the arena at the same time. The battle would be live-streamed. 

“Wow, the new students are live streaming! Let’s watch it, this ought to be good!” 

“It’s just the beginning of the semester and they’re already live streaming?!” 

There were many other streamers in the Battle Network, but within the academy, other than those who held grudges and teachers playing it for class, few would turn the feature on. Every school in Marsh City would be able to watch it. 

“I’ll turn the pain setting up to a hundred percent if that’s alright with you?” Li Minghao grinned, playing with his iridium sword. 


“Not bad, not bad! I hope you don’t cry!”

Li Minghao coldly huffed. He confirmed the settings, then a ten-second countdown materialized above their heads. 

Xiang Ning squinted, holding his sword in a strange position. People who didn’t cultivate the Mountain-Splitting Slash might not understand why. 

“Haha, look at the way he’s holding his blade! I don’t use the sword, but just from looking at it, he’s going to break his finger!” 

“This is hilarious. He can’t even properly hold his sword and he’s already accepting duel challenges. How embarrassing!” 

Mu Xiao cocked an eyebrow when he saw Xiang Ning’s stance, then checked to see that Xiang Ning had chosen the Mountain-Splitting Slash as his martial skill. “Can’t believe he chose the Mountain-Splitting Slash.” He was somewhat familiar with the technique. Despite it being known as a foundational skill, it was considered difficult and not commonly chosen. Xiang Ning’s stance showed that he had achieved Assimilation, at the very least. Could it be— 

“Swift Slash!” Li Minghao launched the first attack just as the countdown ended. Swift Slash was a technique that allowed its user to abruptly approach their opponent, striking them fast. 

 “Mm! He’s achieved the Intermediate stage for this skill, not bad.” Zhang Jiasheng nodded. 

Xiang Ning raised his sword before his chest and took a few steps back. A loud clang of metal against metal rang out, signaling the beginning of the duel. 

“This batch of students isn’t bad at all, though this guy looks awkward with his sword.” 

“Wait, look at the way he’s blocking the strike though.” 



Various gasps could be heard from the live stream viewers, because when Xiang Ning blocked Li Minghao’s attack, he took the opportunity within that sliver of a second to unleash the Mountain-Splitting Slash. 

“Mountain-Splitting Slash!” An intimidating aura emanated from Xiang Ning as he brought his blade down like an avalanche. 

A deep rumble shook Li Minghao. Though he blocked it, he was forced to his knees under its immense force. It felt like he was blocking a tsunami. 

“My goodness!” 

“The Mountain-Splitting Slash! I can’t believe he used this skill, and it’s so powerful, too!” 

“Has he practiced this skill before?!” 

“Hahaha, you’re all ignorant! Finally, the world sees what Xiang Ning is capable of!” 

Mu Xiao widened his eyes. Didn’t this student literally learn this skill a few hours ago?! 

“How... how is this possible?!” Li Minghao clenched his jaw as he blocked the attack, struggling to stand up as he refused to be humiliated on his knees. 

Fury Points +70

Fury Points +80 

Xiang Ning huffed, sensing the addition of Fury Points. He moved his sword and kicked Li Minghao at the same time. 

“Do you yield?!” 

“Fuck you!” Li Minghao’s humiliation turned to anger. “Vibrating Wave Slash!” 

“Another skill! Li Minghao is putting his foot down now!” 

“Mountain-Splitting Slash!” 

The two students collided once again. However, Xiang Ning had already achieved Assimilation in his skill, and its impact was enough to kill a Boulder Boar. How could Li Minghao block it for long? 

“All I have to say is fuck you too!” 

A victor had emerged. 

Xiang Ning reappeared in the library to many expressions of surprise. Zhang Jiasheng’s expression was as dark as night as he turned to Mu Xiao. “I never expected we’d lose today.” 

Mu Xiao had remained expressionless up until Xiang Ning had unleashed the Mountain-Splitting Slash. Now, he watched quietly as Zhang Jiasheng led his students away, then turned to his students and said, “You all may carry on with your sparring session. Xiang Ning, follow me!”

When he finished speaking, he walked toward a corner with Xiang Ning obediently following behind. 

In the corner, Mu Xiao lowered his voice. “Xiang Ning, the records say this is your first time practicing the Mountain-Splitting Slash. Have you really never learned it before?” 

“I haven’t, sir.” Xiang Ning had a bad feeling. He realized his performance must have been different from his supposed level. 

“You’re not just in Physical Tempering stage four, are you?” 

“Well… no, sir.” 

“Alright, I understand. Move along now.” 

Xiang Ning paused. That was it? 

“Everyone has their secrets, don’t worry about it. I’m just confirming my guesses,” Mu Xiao nonchalantly said. Xiang Ning hesitantly returned to class to practice with Wang Zhe. 

When Xiang Ning left, Mu Xiao squinted. “Perhaps he’s a martial prodigy? I must pay close attention to him.” 

Doge & Chacha's Thoughts

Mu Xiao: that's suspicious... that's weird...


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